HomeTips for hjemmetYou can remove moss from the lawn in this simple way

You can remove moss from the lawn in this simple way

If moss has started growing in your carefully manicured lawn and you don’t know how to deal with it, we have a cheap and easy tip that you can try immediately..

Add ashes to the lawn

If you’ve noticed unwanted moss in your lawn, it’s time to act.Moss holds water and can harbor animals and fungi that you simply don’t want in your lawn.Not to mention that growers are often proud of a beautiful and well-kept lawn, and moss simply spoils a good impression.

There is a simple trick to remove moss: sprinkle the lawn with wood ash.This creates an alkaline environment that does not benefit the moss.You don’t have to worry about the grass, because the ash provides it with nutrients and protects it from certain types of mold.

Which ash to choose?

When it comes to the ash you want to fertilize with, you should definitely make a good choice.Don’t reach for any ash you find anywhere.Ash for fertilizing should come purely from wood, for example birch is suitable.Make sure there are no other impurities in it.

Wood ash is recommended to be applied to the lawn at least once every three years, but it won’t hurt if you do it every spring, for example.Your garden will be treated with this cheap and simple trick and will get a lot of nutrients from the ashes.

Wood ash for watering

Wood ash is a great miracle for growers and can be used in almost any situation.Not only will it help you fertilize and protect your vegetable crop from mold, but it is also useful for occasional watering of indoor plants.

In the case of fertilizing beds with ash, you can simply sprinkle this raw material on the bed or add it to individual plants.Another option is to add it to a watering can, let it sit, and then pour this potion over it.This option is also recommended if you want to fertilize indoor plants with wood ash.

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