HomeHusThe thuja will be denser than your neighbor's.One teaspoon of this powder...

The thuja will be denser than your neighbor’s.One teaspoon of this powder is enough

20/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Oleg RudniK).

Do you want your thuja to be thick and healthy? Before you start buying expensive preparations in gardening, try the home method.You have the preparation for thickening trees in the kitchen cupboard.Just dissolve one teaspoon of a certain powder in water.The neighbors will be shocked..

Thujas are one of the most popular garden trees and effectively protect the plot from the curious eyes of the neighbors.They should be thick and intensely green.Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that they start to turn yellow and the branches themselves become weak.What to do in such a situation? A kitchen product used for baking comes to the rescue.

Gelatin for thick and healthy thuja

Thuja trees start to turn yellow and thin due to a lack of nutrients.You can regenerate trees with a simple home method using gelatin, which is a source of nitrogen to support plant growth.

Simply dissolve one teaspoon of gelatin in a glass of warm water.Later you have to dilute it in three glasses of water.Effects can be seen after just a few days.The trees will be denser and greener.

Not just gelatin.Banana peel fertilizer

In addition to the gelatin solution, it is also worth using fertilizer made from banana peels , which provides thujam potassium and phosphorus.Thanks to these elements, trees become strong and resistant.So how do you prepare fertilizer for bananas?

Pour the banana peels with warm water and leave for 2 days. After this time, strain the liquid and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:1.Water the plants with the fertilizer prepared in this way.

Care for the thickening of thuja

Both fertilizing and cutting thuja are considered important maintenance procedures for these plants.Thanks to them, the trees are healthy and beautiful all year round.

Pruning thuja trees will thicken them and give them a nice shape. So do it twice a season – in spring and late summer.

Remember not to cut the branches too sharply.Just shorten them to about 1/3 of their length.

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