HomeHusYou will never find ice crystals in the freezer again.Just insert it...

You will never find ice crystals in the freezer again.Just insert it into the device.The effect will surprise you

27/08/2024 (Photo: Private archive).

Sponges for washing and cleaning dishes are one of the most popular products found in many households.Few people know that with them you can not only clean surfaces, but also solve the problems we encounter in the kitchen..

Most people probably have at least one colorful sponge at home for dishes and cleaning. It turns out that the second part of the name we adopted is completely unnecessary, because the product has much wider possibilities than we would have thought. Introducing more ways to use the popular dish sponge..

Home remedies for odors in the refrigerator.A dish sponge will save you from unpleasant smells

The first way to use a dish sponge in an area other than the kitchen sink is to use it as an odor absorber in the refrigerator.All we have to do is make some space on the shelves and place the product inside. Some people also choose to sprinkle lemon juice on the sponge to increase the effect. This trick works perfectly during the holiday season when we need to store large quantities of different types of food – from meat, to salads, to cakes.

However, it is important to replace the sponge regularly, because, as we well know, its structure is a friendly environment for bacteria. Every 4-5 days (at least once a week) remove the sponge from the refrigerator and rinse it with boiling water.After drying, it can be used again.

In addition to eliminating unpleasant odors, the sponge is also an excellent moisture absorber. This feature will be great for older devices that do not have the No Frost system.

However, to avoid problems with excessive frosting in the freezer, try the following method.

How to defrost the freezer without turning it off? Do it and you won’t have to think twice about it

Frequent defrosting of the freezer can be an unpleasant chore for many people. Excessive icing may adversely affect the operation of the equipment.A dish sponge can help with these problems. Putting in the machine will greatly reduce the humidity level, preventing the accumulation of excess ice crystals..

In addition, when we decide to remove the sponge, it will be harder thanks to the low temperatures. We will thus be able to get rid of the unpleasant dirt on it much easier and faster than before.

There is also a third use for sponges. After moistening them with water – it is important not to squeeze – and placing them in the freezer, within a few hours we have coolers for various types of products that require storage at low temperatures. This is a trick that can be useful when traveling when we need to cool the food we are transporting..

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