In this article, you will learn an ecological way to get rid of annoying bugs. .
They are attacking your crops
The bastards like ripening tomatoes..
When they start them, the fruits are spoiled and even change their taste. .
YouTube channel GRĂDINA PENTRU TOțI advised how to get rid of this bug without using harmful chemicals. .
Bzdocha (Nezara viridula) is a pest that comes from tropical Africa.
It came to us around 2000 through various trade routes and adapted to the local climate very quickly. .
These insects can do great damage in our gardens. .
It causes rot on fruits and vegetables and is also a carrier of various diseases. .
Besides tomatoes they also love strawberries and carrots. .
To get rid of this pesky bug and save your crops, prepare this oil..
Neem oil is obtained from the seeds of the Indian Nimba tree.
It has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Indians have used this oil for thousands of years for various therapeutic purposes and also used it in the garden. .
The benefits of this oil are well known.
In this case, neem oil will help us get rid of the bugs.
To create a spray we need:
10 l of water.
10 teaspoons of neem oil.
10 teaspoons of detergent or soap.
Pour water into the sprayer and add neem oil. .
Subsequently add detergent or soap. .
This component is important to homogenize the solution because oil and water would not mix together.
Now close the sprayer and shake thoroughly. .
This insecticide has a dual role..
If this spray is sprayed directly on the insect, it will die. .
The oil with the detergent will form a film that will cause him to die because he won’t be able to breathe. .
Also, if you spray your tomatoes with this solution and then the bug gets into your tomatoes, either leaves or fruit, it will attack their reproductive system and they won’t be able to reproduce. .
Larvae of this beetle on a tomato sprayed in this way will develop very poorly.
This will greatly reduce their population. .
Apply the solution to the plants in the evening or early morning. .
You can watch the entire procedure in the attached video at the end of the article.
Good luck!