HomeTips for hjemmetThis is how you can find out whether you are buying fresh...

This is how you can find out whether you are buying fresh eggs even in the store by mobile phone

Who does not know the unpleasant smell of rotten eggs? Hydrogen sulfide, a chemical compound released during decomposition, is responsible for this distinctive and long-lasting aroma.Therefore, it is important to know how to correctly distinguish fresh eggs from spoiled ones.In the following article, we bring you some simple tips on how to do it..

Check the eggs before you buy them

Eggs that reach store shelves go through various quality checks.Nevertheless, it may happen that due to improper storage or transportation, they will deteriorate.The good news is that you can easily check eggs at the store.Just take your smartphone and use its flashlight.

Take the egg out of the package and illuminate it with a flashlight.If you can see the yolk clearly, the egg is probably fresh.Conversely, if the light does not penetrate the egg, it can signal that the egg is no longer healthy.You can do this simple test on all the eggs in the package to make sure you’re only buying the freshest.

What to do when you already have eggs at home?

Many of us prefer to buy eggs from local farms.These eggs are often tastier, larger and more nutritious.In addition, we support local breeders who take care of good conditions for their chickens.However, with larger purchases, it may happen that you will not be able to use the eggs in time.How to check their freshness?

A simple home test consists of using water.Fill a glass with water and dip an egg into it.If the egg sinks to the bottom, it is fresh.However, if it floats on the surface, you’d better discard it.To preserve freshness, keep eggs in the refrigerator – they will last up to a month.

These tricks will help you ensure that you always consume only fresh eggs.Remember that eating spoiled eggs can lead to health complications, including the risk of salmonella, which may even require hospitalization.Therefore, it pays to be careful and know how to check the freshness of eggs.

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