16. 8. 2024 (Photo: shutterstock/ungvar).
Many people cannot imagine a Sunday without broth.Spices, including salt, are very important when preparing this traditional Slovak soup.Thanks to them, the food is aromatic and tasty.At what point should you add salt to the broth? Before, during or after cooking? It is time to dispel the doubts about this obscure question once and for all..
The broth is the most popular soup, which is served at various celebrations and in many households also during Sunday lunch. It owes its taste to spices, so we have to use them at the right moment. Unfortunately, most people salt this dish poorly, resulting in a pale and unpalatable broth.What mistake are they making? Look at it now and make the perfect broth.
When should the broth be salted? The 10 minute rule
At first glance, the preparation of broth is relatively simple and does not require any special cooking skills. All you have to do is put the meat in a pot, cover it with water, add vegetables, spices and herbs and cook for the specified time. However, it turns out that order matters.It is the order that decides whether the soup will be tasty..
At the beginning, it is worth considering salt, which is the basic flavoring of the broth.We cannot pour it into the soup before cooking, because it would block the meat and vegetable flavors.
Therefore, it is best to add this salt only at the end of cooking. We recommend adding it 10 minutes before the end of the whole process..
The amount of salt is also important.As a rule, add 2 teaspoons of salt to a 5 liter pot.
Another spice.When to add it to the broth?
In addition to salt, we must season the broth with black pepper, bay leaves and allspice. At what point should we add these spices?.
The other spices are added at the beginning of cooking the soup. We will thus give it the right taste and aroma..
Other important rules must also be remembered when preparing the broth. Among them is, for example, placing the meat in cold water.This then releases more flavor and aroma into the broth.
Another important step is to remove the sediment from the surface of the broth. We also recommend adding onions, which will add a unique flavor, as well as a golden brown color.