HomeTips for hjemmetThis is how thieves mark your house for robbery.Look under the mat

This is how thieves mark your house for robbery.Look under the mat

Even though the summer holiday season is in full swing and many of us are enjoying a well-deserved break, thieves are definitely not taking time off.On the contrary, they keep coming up with new ways to get at the property of unsuspecting victims.The latest trick they have adopted is known as the «cookie trap&#8220.This inconspicuous method of burglary can surprise many a property owner..

How does the cookie trap work?.

Burglars first carefully monitor their chosen targets to know exactly when the house or apartment is empty.Then they simply place a small cookie under the mat in front of the door.If you trample this cookie after returning home, it means to thieves that someone is home and breaking in at that moment is not possible.However, if the cookie remains intact, the thieves know that the door was not opened and can begin to act.This trick is extremely subtle, so people often don’t notice they’ve been targeted.

Thieves also use other brands.

But the cookie trap isn’t the only way thieves mark the properties they plan to rob.They also often use various symbols that they draw on the door or on the walls near the entrance.These marks are secret codes between thieves that tell them what danger awaits them or what they can expect inside.

For example:

  • Five circles means that there are valuable things in the house that are worth focusing on.
  • The cross signals that the house is under surveillance, but the thieves are not yet sure whether it is worth taking action.
  • Crossed out circle can mean that the house is not an attractive target, but it can also be misleading information.
  • Crossed out Y or alpha indicates that the house is probably equipped with an alarm.
  • Zigzag warns of a dog in the house.
  • Triangle informs that the house is inhabited exclusively by women, which may be an interesting target for thieves.
  • How to protect yourself from these tricks?.

    If you notice a suspicious cookie under the doormat or strange symbols drawn near your door, don’t take it lightly.Contact the police immediately and inform neighbors to be vigilant.Working with your neighbors can be key in the fight against these crafty thieves.But above all, make sure your security is strong enough to deter any would-be thief.

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