HomeTips for hjemmetPlace the sliced ​​apple in the refrigerator.You are solving a big problem

Place the sliced ​​apple in the refrigerator.You are solving a big problem

An unpleasant smell coming from the refrigerator can be a signal that something is wrong.This problem is often caused by insufficient care of this important household appliance.Fortunately, there are simple ways to prevent and effectively eliminate unpleasant odors..

Prevention is the key.

The best method to prevent odors in the refrigerator is regular maintenance and compliance with hygiene principles.It is recommended to thoroughly clean the inside of the refrigerator at least once a week.Avoid storing food in plastic bags, as these can speed up their spoilage.All spoiled food must be thrown away immediately.When storing food, prefer glass containers or plastic containers intended for contact with food.Vinegar is an excellent means of cleaning the refrigerator, which also helps eliminate odors.

Simple solutions to eliminate odors.

However, if the smell has already appeared, there are simple tricks to neutralize it.One proven method is to use ground coffee or coffee beans.Just pour them into a bowl and place in the refrigerator.Coffee effectively absorbs odors, so the fridge stays fresh.But don’t forget to change the coffee regularly.

Another option is cloves, which not only evoke the atmosphere of the holidays, but also perfectly absorb moisture and odors.Place the cloves on a plate and place them in the refrigerator.After a short time, the smell should disappear.

Even an ordinary apple is surprisingly effective.Just cut it into quarters and place it in the fridge.After a few days of changing the apples, you will notice a significant improvement in the air quality in the refrigerator.

Tip for checking food condition after vacation.

If you are going on a long trip, it can be useful to know if there has been a power cut during your absence and if the food in the freezer has defrosted.A simple trick will help you know if the food is still safe.Fill the glass with water, let it freeze and place a coin on top of the ice.When you return, check where the coin is.If she stayed on top, everything is fine.If it has dropped to half, the food is still edible, but you should process it soon.If the coin is on the bottom, the food has probably completely thawed and is not suitable for consumption.

By following these simple steps, you will ensure that your refrigerator is always clean and free of unpleasant odors.

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