HomeTips for hjemmetYou can make the healthiest drink in the world in Slovakia for...

You can make the healthiest drink in the world in Slovakia for 1 euro

Ajran, a traditional Turkish drink, is also growing in popularity in our region.What makes this milk drink so special? Its health benefits and low calorie content make it ideal for those who care about a healthy lifestyle..

Quick preparation, great taste

You can prepare ajran at home in seconds.You only need two ingredients for the basic recipe – natural yogurt and water.This drink is ideal for dairy lovers who can include it in their daily diet.

Origin and spread

Ajran originates from Turkey, but is also popular in other countries of the Middle East and the Balkans.In recent years, it has also found its way into households in Slovakia and Poland.Its mild, slightly sour and salty taste perfectly complements traditional Turkish dishes such as kebab, but it also goes well with new potatoes, baked goods or grilled dishes.It provides pleasant refreshment on hot days.

Health benefits of ajran

Ajran is not only refreshing, but also has many positive effects on health.It contains vitamins A, D, B, live bacterial cultures, calcium, sodium and proteins, which contributes to strengthening immunity, improving digestion and protection against various digestive problems.It also supports the cardiovascular system, reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thus helping to prevent heart and vascular diseases.In addition, its low calorie content makes it a suitable choice for those watching their weight.

How to prepare ajran?

To prepare basic ajran, you need natural yogurt (ideally Greek or Balkan type) and water.Mix yogurt with water in a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio, depending on the desired consistency.The more water you add, the thinner and less caloric the drink you get.It is important that you mix the ingredients well until foam forms on the surface – this is a sign that the drink is ready.Ajran is served cold, so we recommend serving it with ice or with well-chilled ingredients.

Variations and ingredients

If you want to add some creativity to ajran, you can flavor it with various ingredients.The most common ones include salt, lemon or lime juice, and mint leaves.Those who prefer sweeter drinks can add sweetener or fruit, such as mango.If you like spicy, try adding pepper or garlic.However, it is good to realize that these modifications already go beyond the traditional Turkish version of ajran.

Ajran is a great drink that will win both your taste buds and your heart.Try adding it to your diet and enjoy not only its taste, but also the health benefits it brings.

Navnet mitt er Erik, og jeg elsker å utforske nye steder. Gjennom artiklene mine på dette nettstedet deler jeg mine opplevelser, tips og skjulte perler fra Choapa-regionen. Enten du er interessert i natur, kultur eller lokale tradisjoner, finner du inspirasjon her. Bli med meg på denne spennende reisen!


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