HomeHusI never throw it away.I cover the lemon peel with this liquid.Eternal...

I never throw it away.I cover the lemon peel with this liquid.Eternal problem solved

29/8/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/lemon peel).

Are you one of those people who, after squeezing a lemon, throws its peel in the trash? Better read this.You will be surprised how many properties this inconspicuous waste can have.One of them will change the cleaning process to be even more effective..

Living in the spirit of zero waste will allow you to accumulate significant savings and use things that in many households needlessly end up in the trash can. This is the case with lemon peel, which hides many valuable properties.

What can you make with lemon peel? The worst thing you can do is throw it in the trash

While the pulp and juice are used most often, the rind is usually discarded.And that’s a shame.Lemon peel is full of bioactive compounds that can provide a number of benefits.Thanks to their content, it not only acts as a degreaser, but also helps remove stains and stains from dishes.All thanks to citric acid. Lemon peel will therefore be a great cleaning agent to use in the fight against stubborn stains.Among other things, it will prove itself when cleaning the sink, bathtub, sink, microwave oven or induction hob..

What can you use lemon peel for? A simple and proven patent

If you want to use lemon peel, collect a few and make an all-purpose cleaner. You need another glass of vinegar.The resulting solution is great for almost every surface in the house.It removes impurities and also fills interiors with a pleasant citrus scent..

  1. In a large glass, add the zest of several lemons, cut into small pieces.
  2. Cover it all with a glass of white vinegar.
  3. Mix thoroughly and set aside in a shady place for at least a week.
  4. After this time, strain the decoction in gloves.
  5. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and clean the contaminated areas with it.

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