HomeTips for hjemmetEating watermelon is not just like that.These people better limit it

Eating watermelon is not just like that.These people better limit it

Watermelons seem like the perfect fruit for summer.They are light, quickly quench thirst, rich in vitamins and fiber.However, not everyone can eat them.Do you know when it is better to give them up?.

Watermelon can be eaten all the time in summer.It is suitable for dry salads, for example with feta, it can be made into lemonade, added to desserts or simply eaten as a snack.However, it turns out that it is better not to overdo it, and sometimes you even have to give it up.

Healthy, but&#8230

Watermelon is associated with summer and hot days.Many people eat it without measure, not realizing the possible health consequences.However, with some diseases, unpleasant effects may appear after its consumption.Especially people with kidney failure should limit its consumption due to its high potassium content.In extreme cases, it is recommended to completely exclude watermelon from the diet, especially if someone is allergic to it (this happens very rarely).

Not that much at all

For those on the FODMAP elimination diet, watermelon can be problematic because of its fructose content.There is also a common perception that watermelon is high in sugar, which can be a problem for diabetics.But in fact, people with diabetes can safely consume watermelon provided they are in moderation, as it contains relatively little sugar – approximately 7 grams per 100 grams of product.

Why red color

Melons are rich in lycopene, a phytonutrient that occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables.Lycopene is known for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects.It is lycopene that gives melons, tomatoes and red grapefruit their characteristic red color.A cup and a half of cantaloupe can provide about 9-13 milligrams of lycopene, which is 40% more than raw tomatoes.

Ideal for athletes

Eating watermelon is beneficial for body hydration.Its juice is rich in electrolytes and can reduce muscle soreness and heart rate before intense training.A 2015 study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that citrulline from watermelon can significantly improve athletic performance.Increased performance and greater energy production during high-intensity exercise such as cycling and sprinting were observed in those who took citrulline supplements.

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