HomeHusFruit fly traps not working? That's why they keep coming back.'They lay...

Fruit fly traps not working? That’s why they keep coming back.’They lay up to 100 eggs a day.’

19. 8 (Photo: shutterstock/Anne Webber).

Fruit flies do not disappear by themselves.There are also reasons why they keep coming back to your home.It is unlikely that you would have any idea what it could be.If you don’t fix the main problem, none of the traps will work..

The problem of fruit flies affects almost all of us.Their presence in the kitchen, but also in other rooms, makes itself known and becomes very annoying. If they are not paid attention to, they multiply at an astonishing rate and thrive on fruits and vegetables.They love an environment rich in yeast.

How to get rid of a large number of fruit flies? Fight against repeated infestation

Fruit flies occur year-round, but their problem is definitely worse in the summer.The prevailing heat plays a large part in this.People try a number of methods to combat the invasion of these tiny insects. Unfortunately, many of these are proving to be ineffective.Despite the measures and traps used, fruit flies keep coming back..

Ann Russell is a cleanliness expert who was approached by a TikTok user for help with this problem.The woman has already tried methods with vinegar, sugar and dishwashing detergent, and even installed a special light that attracted them.However, her efforts were unsuccessful. The expert gave a reason that not everyone is aware of.– Every time you place a trap, you attract more fruit flies from other places.Once inside, they’ll feast on a vinegar-sugar solution, a little spilled juice, or a tiny drop of something slimy, before moving on and laying eggs, up to 100 each a day, she explained..

How to get rid of fruit flies once and for all? The expert has valuable advice

According to Ann Russell, if you don’t get rid of what attracts fruit flies, they will come back and lay eggs, creating a ‘permanent problem’.So, at first glance, the traps that should help us may actually be the source of our worries.A better way would be to fill the sink with hot soapy water and scrub everything thoroughly until we finally find what attracts them.It could be some spilled juice or compost, for example. .

The expert also recommends pouring boiling water down the drain every day.– This will kill any other larvae that are there. Continue this process for two weeks and the problem will go away.Wash the trash cans.Empty them regularly.Compost outside.Absolutely consistent cleanliness.And that will take care of the problem,’ she concluded.

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