HomeTips for hjemmetDo you want the tastiest watermelon? Notice this thing about him

Do you want the tastiest watermelon? Notice this thing about him

When the heat takes its toll, a sweet and juicy watermelon pulled from the fridge is the best solution for a tasty snack.It is worth taking advantage of the attractive prices in the store, but it is not worth overpaying for disgusting and not very juicy fruit.How to choose a good watermelon?.

We call it a fruit, but botanically it is a vegetable that belongs to the cucurbitaceae family.It is native to South Africa, but its sweet taste has won fans around the world, starting the melon expansion.In Slovakia, we most often meet melons imported from Mediterranean countries , although some brave people try to grow it in their home garden.However, the climate does not allow for luxuriant cultivation and it should be considered more of a garden curiosity than a source of fruit for the summer.Fortunately, watermelons are available in stores, and with a few simple tricks, buying a perfectly juicy specimen will be no problem.

How to buy a ripe watermelon?

It cannot be tried and when buying a whole melon, we cannot assess its heart, flesh.On the surface, this may seem like buying a cat in a bag, but there are ways not to be fooled.It is enough to strain your eyes a little and pay attention to certain details.

Size does matter, but in this case, it doesn’t mean that bigger is better.Avoid oversized specimens, which are often watery. It is better to choose medium-sized but heavy melons. Large ones are often heavily fertilized, so you may find that they will be quite hollow inside.

Gently tap the watermelon.Ripe fruits should make a deafening, rumbling sound.But that’s not all there is to watch out for when shopping.

Yellow spots on the skin of the melon

The yellowish spots on the melon rind are not only an aesthetic detail, but above all proof that the fruit had enough time to ripen in natural conditions.When the watermelon lies on the ground, the area that is in contact with the sun acquires a yellowish tint.The larger and more intense the stain, the longer the fruit ripened in the sun.

Sugars accumulate in these spots, which give the watermelon its sweet taste. The more yellow spots, the sweeter the fruit. Also check the underside of the fruit.There should be a distinct yellow-cream stain.If it is white and small and the stem is green and fresh, the watermelon may have been picked too soon.

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