HomeTips for hjemmetDo we have to wash vegetables and fruits from our own garden?...

Do we have to wash vegetables and fruits from our own garden? You will be shocked

Growing your own crops is not only a source of joy and savings for many, but also a way to have control over the quality of the food they consume..

Home-grown fruits and vegetables are often considered healthier because they are not exposed to artificial fertilizers and pesticides.However, the question of whether it is necessary to wash these crops before consumption remains.

Washing vegetables and fruits from the store is a matter of course.During their journey from the farmer to the counter, they pass through various hands and environments where they can come into contact with dirt, bacteria and viruses.Therefore, it is essential that they are thoroughly washed before consumption.

At first glance, it may seem that fruits and vegetables from your own garden are clean and safe right after they are picked.Many of us like to enjoy freshly picked strawberries or tomatoes without any washing.We feel that when we have taken care of them ourselves, they have nothing harmful on them.However, even these crops can contain various impurities that find their way onto them, for example from the air, or they can be contaminated by animal feces.

Unwashed crops from your own garden can pose a health risk.Therefore, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse all fruits and vegetables under running water, not only before consumption, but also before their further processing.With this simple step, you will get rid of microorganisms and impurities that could endanger your health.

Although having your own garden may seem like a guarantee of cleanliness and safety, prevention never hurts.Washing crops is a small price to pay for the certainty that what we consume is truly safe.

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