HomeHusLilies love this fertilizer.Make it for free and your garden will be...

Lilies love this fertilizer.Make it for free and your garden will be drowned in flowers

24/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/BushAlex).

Lilies are beautiful flowers and are a wonderful decoration of the garden, house or bouquet.If you want to make them bloom and prolong their flowering, you should provide the plants with the right growing conditions and also feed them properly.You can do this with homemade food, which is not difficult to prepare.How to prepare it and how to use it to make your lilies bloom like crazy? We recommend..

Lily is a genus of bulbous perennials from the lily family, which are very popular for their charming appearance.They are very diverse plants – especially in East Asia.They are divided into many types and varieties, among which everyone will definitely find something for themselves and their garden.

However, in order for these plants to bloom as long as possible and for you to enjoy their beauty, it is worth strengthening them.Simple plant nutrition made from kitchen waste will take care of this. How do you make it?.

Lilies in the garden.How to care for lilies?

Plants do not need professional and expensive store-bought nutrients at all to thrive and bloom for a long time.Homemade nutrients are also great, and you can often quickly make them yourself.In this way, you influence the plants in a natural way and take care of their condition.Proper care is very important when growing lilies.These plants need plenty of sunlight, regular watering and soil with adequate permeability.It should be fertile, rich in humus and slightly acidic.

Lilies must not be overwatered as this could lead to bulb rot.However, do not forget to water them regularly.It should be systematic, but moderate.You also have to fertilize the lilies and remove spent flowers.Both are a chance to prolong the flowering of these plants.

Fertilizer rich in phosphorus promotes flower development.Fertilizer rich in potassium prolongs flowering.Removing spent flower heads is a way to prevent the plant from wasting energy on seed production and to concentrate on forming new flower buds.

Homemade fertilizer for lilies.How to make it?

Homemade fertilizer for lilies will help nourish the plants and support their longer and more intensive flowering.Just use common kitchen waste, namely banana peel.It contains potassium, which promotes flowering.

How do you prepare fertilizer for lilies? Simply cover the peels of two bananas with one liter of water and leave for 24 hours.After 24 hours, strain the liquid and pour it over the lilies.You can use fertilizer every 2-3 weeks.

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