HomeTips for hjemmetSlovaks eat insects in sweets every day.These contain it

Slovaks eat insects in sweets every day.These contain it

Surprising as it may seem, insects in food are nothing new.In fact, it has been used as part of the food industry for decades, including in popular sweets that many of us regularly consume..

New approvals from the European Commission

At the beginning of 2023, the European Commission approved the use of cricket flour in food in the EU.This food product has quickly become a luxury ingredient – its price can even be higher than the price of exclusive fashion accessories.In addition to cricket flour, the use of mealybugs and thrush larvae in various food products has also been approved.As early as 2021, products from grasshoppers have entered food production.

Insects in sweets: What you should know?

Many consumers are unaware that their favorite sweets may contain ingredients derived from insects.An example is cochineal, a dye obtained from dried and ground cactus worms.This substance, also known as E120 or carmine, is used to give a dark red color to many foods, including chocolate treats, sauces, and even yogurts.

Why insects in chocolate?

Although the idea of ​​eating insects may be unappealing to some, experts point out that insects are an excellent source of protein.In addition, its production has a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional livestock farming, making it a more ecological alternative.Insects can thus appear not only in sweets, but also in various other food products such as protein pasta, sauces or even meat substitutes.

How do you recognize insects in food?

Insects hide in food under various names that are often unknown to ordinary consumers.For example:

  • Acheta domesticus : the Latin name for the domestic cricket.
  • Tenebrio molitor : powdery mildew,.
  • Locusta migratoria : migratory locust.
  • E904 : shellac, a natural resin obtained from the secretion of tree beetle larvae.
  • E120 : cochineal, a dye from cactus larvae, often referred to as ‘carmine red’ or ‘carmine’.
  • Which products contain insects?

    Some of the most popular sweets contain just these ingredients.Chocolates like Kinder Schoco-Bons and Milka with colored lozenges contain shellac, while M&M’s and gummy candies may contain dye derived from insects.Protein pasta and energy bars are other examples of foods where insects can be found.

    Given these facts, consumers should pay more attention to the composition of the foods they buy in order to make an informed decision about what they are actually eating.Although insects in food may come as a surprise to some, it is a raw material that finds its place in modern gastronomy.

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