HomeTips for hjemmetStore watermelon like this all year round.It will be sweet and fresh

Store watermelon like this all year round.It will be sweet and fresh

As the summer days slowly shorten, many of us are wondering how to preserve the flavor of sunny days for as long as possible.One solution is to enjoy seasonal fruit whenever we feel like it.We will show you how to store watermelon up to the whole year so that you can enjoy it even in winter..

Watermelon is a symbol of summer – juicy refreshment on hot days, a great addition to salads, cocktails and drinks.With this simple procedure, you can preserve its taste for the whole year.

Preparation of watermelon for long-term storage

First, choose a watermelon that should weigh up to 4 kilograms.Wash it thoroughly under running water and dry.Then use a few tablespoons of baking powder and a soft brush to thoroughly clean the skin of the watermelon.Apply the powder evenly over the entire surface of the melon and rub it in gently.Afterwards, rinse the watermelon again and dry it.

After cleaning the melon, it’s time to cut it.Use a sharp knife, as the skin of a watermelon is usually hard.Cut the watermelon into thick slices and then into medium-sized triangles as you would normally eat it.

Procedure for canning watermelon

Prepare clean, sterilized glasses with a volume of up to 3 liters.Carefully place the cut pieces of watermelon in the glasses so that they are not damaged.Meanwhile, heat the water to boiling point.When the water is ready, pour it over the watermelon in glasses and let it stand for 15 minutes.Then carefully drain the water.

Add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of citric acid and 1 teaspoon of dill seeds to each glass.Do not forget the mixture of spices: black, white, green, pink and allspice.Then pour boiling water over the watermelon again and close the jars tightly.

Allow the jars to cool to room temperature and then store them in a cool, dry place.With this simple procedure, you will always have a summer delicacy close at hand, even if it is snowing outside the window.

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