HomeHusWasps will no longer fly into the apartment.Just fold it up and...

Wasps will no longer fly into the apartment.Just fold it up and place it next to the window

27/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Sabine Thallinger).

Wasps buzzing around the ear can make many an idyllic afternoon uncomfortable.An abundance of insects near your home may indicate the presence of a nest.See how to deal with pesky insects and protect your home from their return..

In the summer, many wasps fly around us and make longing nests near our houses.And although most people said that they are less useful than bees, it does not mean that we should get rid of them in an inhumane way. Here are methods to drive away uninvited guests from your immediate neighborhood..

What repels wasps? After using this method, insects will give your house a wide berth

Bees are considered the most useful insects in the world, which is also confirmed by scientists.Similar wasps, although less popular, also bring many benefits to the ecosystem. Their activities are greatly appreciated by gardeners, because they feed on pests such as aphids and whiteflies, which most often threaten the harvest.Small creatures also contribute to the disposal of carcasses. Unfortunately, when they appear near our house or apartment, they can really complicate life..

There are situations when insects accidentally fly into the room through an open window. Lost creatures persistently search for a way out and make an irritating sound.To avoid this situation, it is worth investing about 4 EUR in essential oil with the scent of cloves..

After recognizing this smell, the wasp’s olfactory receptors will signal the need to avoid the place associated with this aroma. Therefore, it is worth smearing window frames and window sills with the mentioned preparation.

A mixture of water and vinegar works just as well.All we have to do is wash the windows with this solution.This way we get a double benefit.There is still the question of activities outside the home that will help you get rid of the annoying problem. Here’s a method to get rid of the unbearable buzzing of wasps.

How to repel wasps at home? We’ll give you a tip

If there are a lot of wasps flying around your house, it means that there is most likely a wasp nest somewhere nearby.To get rid of the problem, you need to find its source and preferably eliminate it with the help of specialists.The most frequently chosen places for insects to build their nests are attics, roof gutters, holes in trees, around tree branches or burrows in the ground..

Wasps are classified as insects that live in colonies.One of their main rules is not to disturb the territory of other groups of the same species. This means that when an insect notices an existing nest in a given area, it does not decide to build another one nearby. Therefore, if we succeed in eliminating a wasp nest, and in order to avoid subsequent invasions, an excellent solution will be to hang an artificial biotope..

Old newspapers will be useful for this purpose it is important that they are not colored. It is enough to crumple the paper and shape it into a ball, resembling a wasp’s nest.

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