HomeHusWhy is my phone charger heating up? Seconds count.It is very dangerous

Why is my phone charger heating up? Seconds count.It is very dangerous

18/08/2024 (Photo: private archive).

Is your phone charger too hot? You better watch out because it’s not a good sign.This phenomenon can be dangerous not only for your smartphone, but also for you and other household members..

Almost everyone uses smartphones.They are used daily to handle official and professional matters, but they also serve as entertainment. Phone batteries require charging, but sometimes the charging cube heats up quickly when plugged in..

Why is my phone charger heating up? Be careful, this is a dangerous phenomenon

Nickel-cadmium batteries were used in electronic devices such as cameras, telephones and camcorders. They were distinguished by the fact that they had to be charged to 100% and then discharged to zero , because frequent charging was harmful to them and led to deterioration.

Currently, other types of batteries with different characteristics are installed in smartphones. In the case of lithium-ion and polymer-ion cells, no battery formatting is necessary.However, it should be remembered that they do not tolerate both high and low temperatures..

During charging, the current from the socket is converted into voltage. 30% of the current is dissipated and converted to heat energy, which is why the chargers heat up. This is not dangerous unless the temperature is so high that it is difficult to touch the charging cube.If this happens, unplug the charger from the power source as soon as possible, as it may damage the phone, whose heated battery may go bad.However, this is not the only threat, as a hot charger can cause a fire.

How to avoid phone charger heating up? Stick to these rules and you’ll stay out of trouble

The charger heats up for several reasons. Remember that if it heats up often, it is better to replace it with a new one.

  • It is not compatible with the phone, so it is best to purchase accessories from the manufacturer.
  • You charge your smartphone on a blanket or other warm surface.This increases the heating of the battery and charger.
  • You use the phone while charging, which increases the temperature even more.
  • Erik
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