HomeTips for hjemmetYou should not have a glass of water by your bed overnight.The...

You should not have a glass of water by your bed overnight.The reason will surprise you

Each of us has our favorite morning rituals that have become part of our daily routine.For some, a cup of fragrant coffee is an essential start to the day, while others prefer a soothing herbal tea.However, not all our habits are ideal for our health.One such habit can be when we put a glass of water on the bedside table in the evening and drink it in the morning.This habit can have unwanted effects on our health..

Why is a glass of water by the bed a problem?

One of the often overlooked evening rituals is placing a glass of water next to the bed.Many of us reach for it when we feel thirsty at night or drink it right after waking up.However, research by experts from Johns Hopkins University shows that drinking water that has been standing all night in an open glass may not be beneficial for our body.

Dr. Marc Leavey of Mercy Medical Center in Massachusetts warns that dust particles and other impurities can settle on the surface of the water during the night.It is also not excluded that small insects can fall into the glass, which can transmit various diseases.

Another risk is that water left in a warm room can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and mold.If you want to have water at hand even during the night, it is better to use a water bottle and cover the glass with a saucer, for example, to minimize the risk of contamination.

What to drink after waking up?

To maintain health and good hydration, it is best to reach for a glass of clean still water after waking up.If you want to further support your digestive system, add a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey to the water.Such a drink not only refreshes, but also promotes hydration and helps keep the skin healthy and toned.

Healthy morning rituals can have a significant impact on how we feel throughout the day, so it’s a good idea to consider their benefits and possibly adjust them so that we feel our best.

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