In modern kitchens, the question of choosing the right cutting boards is constantly being addressed.In the past, wooden boards were the only option to protect the kitchen work surface from damage.Today, however, we have a variety of materials to choose from – from plastic to glass – which brings new advantages and disadvantages..
Why do some people prefer other materials?
One of the most common objections to wooden boards is their size and higher price.Despite this, wooden boards are popular for their aesthetic appearance, ability to maintain the sharpness of knives and long life.On the other hand, wood tends to absorb liquids from sliced foods, which can cause hygiene problems.
Wooden boards are also not suitable for washing in the dishwasher, and prolonged soaking can lead to their damage.Over time, it may happen that your board is not as hygienic as you would like.For better wood protection, regular oiling is recommended, which can reduce its absorbency and extend its life.
Plastic and glass alternatives
Plastic boards are often affordable, light and easy to maintain.Their great advantage is that they can be washed in the dishwasher.However, plastic boards get grooves over time, which can be a breeding ground for bacteria, despite regular washing.
Glass cutting boards are an interesting choice from an aesthetic point of view, but their practicality is questionable.When slicing on a glass plate, a noise is produced, which can be unpleasant.Also, although they are resistant to knife damage, the blades of your knives will wear down quickly with use.
Which board to choose?
Each material has its pros and cons.Wooden boards are ideal for cutting bread, vegetables or cheese, while you should avoid cutting meat and fish, where plastic or bamboo is more suitable.Glass countertops can be a beautiful design accessory, but their practical use in the kitchen is limited.
Whatever material you decide on, it’s important to choose based on your needs and preferences, while not forgetting regular maintenance that will extend the life of your cutting board.