HomeTips for hjemmetWhy you shouldn't drink a lot of water before bed.It controls your...

Why you shouldn’t drink a lot of water before bed.It controls your sleep

Is drinking water before bed a good habit? While we should pay attention to the regular hydration of the body during the day, the correctness of taking liquids immediately before going to bed is not so obvious..

Regular hydration supports better physical and mental regeneration.An organism that is not well hydrated will show this even during sleep, for example by waking up with a dry mouth.In addition, as the National Sleep Foundation (an American non-profit organization providing expert information on sleep-related health problems) points out, insufficient hydration levels can have a negative effect on sleep and cause weakness and irritability during the day.But will a glass of water drunk just before bed save us from these inconveniences?

Is it worth drinking water before bed?

An insufficiently hydrated organism will not regenerate as well as a regularly hydrated one. Water accelerates the detoxification of the body, positively affects the activity of organs and systems in the body, regulates body temperature and generally supports regeneration. It is important that water supplied to the body regularly and in sufficient quantity increases blood flow to the brain, thereby preventing headaches after waking up and supporting healthy rest.

An insufficiently hydrated body works harder – the lack of fluids causes a drop in blood pressure, which in turn causes the heart to work at full speed. Due to gravity, water is retained in the lower part of the body for most of the day, which is why the legs or feet themselves swell in the evening. At night, when we are lying down, the legs are at the level of the kidneys, which facilitates the transport of blood throughout the body and the removal of toxins from the body – of course, provided we are properly hydrated.

How much water can you drink before bed?

Certainly the most unfavorable scenario (or one of them) is to supplement your water intake in the evening or just before bed.This also happens, in the heat many people forget about regular hydration. Drinking large amounts of water before bed may result in the need to get up frequently during the night to urinate. A one-time need to urinate during the night is considered normal, while a more frequent need disrupts sleep.In turn, this causes the body to miss out on key phases of sleep that are essential for physical and mental regeneration.

Therefore, you should not consume a large amount of fluids at least two hours before going to bed. Just a glass of water – to drink medication or relieve dry mouth. This is the optimal amount, although it is best to adjust it to your own needs, keeping in mind that adequate hydration should be maintained throughout the day and fluids should be supplied regularly.

«A general rule of thumb is if you need to drink water, drink less than one glass in the last two hours before bed.And drink in small sips,»- Dr.Jessica Vensel Rundo, an expert on sleep disorders, explains in an interview with the Cleveland Clinic.

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