HomeTips for hjemmetWhy is it good to stick cloves in garlic? The trick helps...

Why is it good to stick cloves in garlic? The trick helps people at home

Flying insects are an enemy that can disturb even the most peaceful moments in our homes.Buzzing around the ears can really put us off, especially during warm summer days when we just want to relax.Mosquitoes, flies and midges – they are all a source of discomfort, but luckily there are ways to get rid of them effectively, even with the help of common household ingredients..

On one occasion, a friend told me a simple but effective trick to get rid of pesky insects.It may sound strange, but the basis of his recommendation was garlic and cloves.Combining these two ingredients seemed a bit unusual at first, but the result really surprised me.

Just peel a few cloves of garlic, crush them gently and stick a few cloves into them.I then spread this combination around the kitchen, especially around the open window and near the fruit, where flies often congregate.The very next day, I noticed that the unpleasant insects had disappeared.The intense smell of garlic and cloves obviously didn’t smell to them at all, but it didn’t bother me.

However, if you are not a fan of the garlic aroma, there are other alternatives.For example, vanilla oil, which acts as a natural repellant.Just pour some vanilla into a small bowl and place it where the insects congregate.A combination of lemon and cloves can be equally effective, which not only scares away insects, but also refreshes your home with a pleasant aroma.

These simple and natural methods can help keep insects at bay so you can enjoy a quiet time without ringing in your ears.

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