Have you ever wondered why oranges so often end up in red nets and lemons in yellow? It’s not a coincidence! Behind this choice of colors is a clever marketing move that effectively influences our purchasing decisions.It turns out that the red mesh is not only a practical wrapper, but also a tool that manipulates our perception of the fruit..
For many of us, freshly squeezed orange juice is an integral part of the morning.But have you ever wondered why oranges in supermarkets are always wrapped in red nets? You might think it’s a coincidence, but it’s actually a clever marketing ploy to get your attention.Although it may seem insignificant at first glance, choosing red mesh is a deliberate strategy that influences your purchasing decision.
Red network – an illusion that works
This phenomenon is known as the ‘confetti illusion’.What is it about? Well, when we place an orange in a red grid, our brain automatically compares the color of the fruit with the color of the background.As a result, the orange appears more intensely orange, i.e.j.more ripe and juicy.The same goes for lemons, which look more yellow in a yellow grid.
Why does it work?
Our perception of colors is a relative phenomenon.This means that the color we see depends on the surroundings.For example, if we look at a gray square on a white background, it will appear darker than the same gray square on a black background.The same thing happens with oranges on red grids.
Confetti illusion in practice
Scientific studies confirm that the confetti illusion works.Consumers who see oranges in red nets rate them as riper, tastier and more attractive than those that lie freely.As a result, they more often reach for fruit wrapped in colorful nets.
Why do supermarkets use this trick?
Supermarkets know well how our brain works.Therefore, they use various marketing tricks to encourage us to buy.Red nets for oranges are just one of many examples.
Other marketing tricks in stores.
How to protect yourself from it?
Although marketing gimmicks are effective, we can protect ourselves from them.It is enough if we are aware of these mechanisms and make decisions based on information when purchasing.Pay attention to the quality of products, not just their appearance.Compare prices and read labels.