15/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Laura Lee Cobb).
Christmas cactus, also known as zygocactus or schlumbergera, is a potted plant that impresses with its colorful flowers during the winter.With proper care in summer and autumn, this plant can become a real decoration of the house in December, during the holiday season.But for that to happen, you have to take care of her now.In this article, you will learn how to care for the Christmas cactus in August and September and how to fertilize it so that it blooms profusely in December.One of the secret ingredients is a decoction of banana peels – a natural fertilizer that supports the growth and development of the plant..
Schlumbergera is a cactus originating from South America, where it grows in the crowns of trees.In Slovakia, we grow it as a potted plant, the advantage of which is that it blooms in November and December and brings color to our interiors during the gray winter period.In order to enjoy the white, pink, purple or red flowers of the zygocactus, it is necessary to give it a period of rest and proper preparation for flowering.August and September are important months for caring for the Christmas cactus.
How do you take care of the Christmas cactus in August?
August is the time when the Christmas cactus is preparing for a strong winter bloom.To help him in this, it is worth paying attention to several key aspects of care:
With proper care, the Christmas cactus will definitely bloom in December, maybe even twice a year.
What should you water the Christmas cactus with to bloom in December? Reach for the banana
In order for the Christmas cactus to bloom profusely in December, it is recommended to use a special dressing that will supply the plant with the necessary nutrients.In addition to traditional fertilizers, a decoction of banana peels will be excellent nutrition.You prepare the decoction by filling the peels of 2-3 bananas with a liter of water and leaving it to act for 24-48 hours.After this time, strain the liquid and water the Christmas cactus with it every 2 weeks.This decoction supports the development of flower buds and strengthens the plant.Banana peels are rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium , which are very important for the plant in the pre-flowering period.
Another home-made way to supply cacti with the necessary ingredients for flowering is watering them with biohumus.Prepare a solution of 1 part biohumus and 10 parts water.Water the plant with it every 2-3 weeks from August to October.Biohumus is a natural fertilizer that improves the soil structure and supplies the Christmas cactus with valuable micronutrients.
What should you fertilize your Christmas cactus with in August and September so that it blooms beautifully?
Fertilizing the Christmas cactus in August and September is very important to prepare the plant for abundant flowering.During this period, it is recommended to reach for fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium, which support the development of flowers.
In the second half of September, you must stop fertilizing the Christmas cactus and, if possible, move it to a cooler location.It is best to ensure a temperature of around 12 – 15 degrees Celsius.However, when flower buds begin to appear on the shoots, move the plant to a permanent place.