HomeHusWater the hair with this homemade conditioner.It will be covered with new...

Water the hair with this homemade conditioner.It will be covered with new leaves

14/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/DimaBerlin).

Pilea is a very popular houseplant.It is not only a symbol of happiness and wealth, but also a great decoration for the home.In addition, its cultivation is not difficult.A few simple steps are enough for the plant to grow healthily.However, it is important to fertilize it regularly.For this, you need something that you usually throw away right away.See how to make homemade food for pileus..

Pilea got its name from the unusual shape of its leaves, which resemble coins.It is a charming and original potted plant that does not require much cultivation.However, if you want to enjoy a lot of healthy leaves, it is worth preparing a homemade conditioner for pileus.We will advise you how to make it.

What does pilea peperomioides look like? It can take two forms

Pilea peperomioides is characterized primarily by its leaves, which are almost perfectly round and, moreover, relatively large. It is for this reason that the plant owes its name, referring to it as a money bag or UFO.Piley leaves are up to 10 cm in diameter and grow on long stalks.The plant itself usually grows to a height of about 30 cm.

Interestingly, this species can take on two completely different forms depending on how you grow it. You can grow a bush full of spreading leaves that sometimes merge downward to form a curtain, or make the plant grow upward in the early stages of growth. Then it forms something like a trunk and looks like a miniature tree full of leaves.With proper care, pilea grown in this way can grow up to one meter in height.

Pile care – what must you not forget?

The advantage of this plant is that pile care is not difficult. Of course, if you want the plant to thrive, you need to take care of several aspects.The first thing you should take care of is the correct placement of the pile.The plant grows best in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight..

In addition, make sure that the pilea is not in a place where there is a draft, as temperature fluctuations are very harmful to it.In addition, pilea needs well-drained soil, so it is good to add perlite or sand to the soil.Also, don’t forget that the flowerpot in which the pilea grows should have drainage holes so that excess water can drain away.

This plant does not like excessive watering, so water it only when the top layer of soil dries out.If you notice dry or yellow leaves, immediately remove them with scissors. This will allow you to keep the plant healthy.Also, don’t forget to dust the leaves from time to time and spray them with a fine mist of water..

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In addition, you can also take care of the pile by fertilizing it with home-made fertilizers.They will be an effective nutrient for the plant and help it grow.You can easily prepare such a preparation yourself at home, using something that you usually throw away.

It is enough if you keep the banana peel after eating the banana.You can make a homemade nutrient booster from the peel, which gives the plant a solid dose of potassium.All you have to do is cut the banana peel into small pieces and put them in the container..

Then pour warm water over it and leave it in the container for 12 hours. After this time strain the mixture and you can water the plant with it. With regular use of this homemade banana peel conditioner, your pilea will have many healthy leaves.

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