HomeTips for hjemmetUse a pot lid to clean your dirty couch

Use a pot lid to clean your dirty couch

The sofa is the central element of every living room, a place where we like to relax after a hard day.Unfortunately, it is also subject to a lot of dirt and stains.We bring you proven tips on how to effectively clean a sofa without using chemical cleaning agents..

Effective methods for removing stains

Removing stains, for example from wine or greasy food, from a sofa can be difficult, especially if it is a light-colored upholstery.The visibility of each speck is all the greater, which causes considerable concern.However, you don’t have to immediately resort to covering the sofa with foil.There are simple home methods that will help you restore its fresh appearance.

These tricks are not demanding on time and energy, and at the same time very effective.Your sofa will look like new again, without having to sacrifice an entire day off.

Necessary aids

For cleaning, you will need: a pot lid, a bowl, water, a cloth and a few commonly available cleaning products that you have at home.

Cleaning procedure

Prepare a large bowl into which you pour approximately a liter of water.Add a tablespoon of baking soda, liquid laundry detergent, and some shaving foam.Mix everything thoroughly until foam is formed.Then take a microfiber cloth, soak it in the mixture and wring it out thoroughly.

Then spread the tea towel on the table and place the pot lid in the middle of it.Wrap the corners of the towel upwards and secure them to the handle of the lid with a rubber band.With the tool thus prepared, start cleaning the sofa.The shaving foam disinfects and refreshes the upholstery, leaves a pleasant smell and at the same time collects dirt and animal hair.

After cleaning, you will be surprised how much dirt and dust is caught on the cloth.This simple trick guarantees a clean and fragrant sofa without the use of aggressive chemicals.

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