HomeTips for hjemmetTwo eggs a day are enough and such beneficial things will happen...

Two eggs a day are enough and such beneficial things will happen in your body

Eggs, often considered an important part of a healthy diet, are a controversial product.On the one hand, we value them for their high nutritional value, but on the other hand, we approach them with caution because of their cholesterol content.However, experts are clear in this regard and indicate how many eggs we can consume daily.Moreover, including them in our diet will bring us many benefits..

Eggs – healthy or not? Experts debunk a popular myth

Eggs are a rich source of key nutrients, including many vitamins and minerals that support the proper functioning of the body.In addition to quality proteins , they also provide saturated fatty acids (NMA) and cholesterol, the main source of which is the yolk.One egg yolk contains an average of 210 mg cholesterol, which has raised questions about their impact on cardiovascular health for years.
However, experts from the National Center for Nutrition Education are reassuring.As they point out, the cholesterol in eggs does not have as much of a negative effect on blood cholesterol levels as the saturated fats and trans fats found in highly processed foods such as sweets and confectionery.In addition, the yolk has a favorable ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol, as well as phospholipid content.Therefore, even regular consumption of 2 eggs per day does not increase cholesterol levels in healthy adults.
Moreover, scientists and nutritionists agree – regular consumption of eggs, especially two a day, has many health benefits.

Eggs and brain health. Your nervous system will thank you

Eggs are a rich source of choline – a component that is extremely important for the health of the brain and nervous system.Choline plays a key role in the production of acetycholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for functions related to memory, concentration and learning.Its deficiency can lead to a deterioration in cognitive health, which means that regular consumption of eggs can improve cognitive function and protect against memory-related problems.

Better eyesight and healthy eyes. Eat them every day

Eggs provide important nutrients for vision including lutein and zeaxanthin.These two antioxidants are crucial for the health of the retina, especially the macula, which is responsible for sharp images.Regular consumption of eggs can significantly reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, which is one of the main causes of vision loss in the elderly.Studies show that eating eggs every day can reduce this risk by up to 44%.

Promotes weight loss. Perfect choice for breakfast

Due to their high protein content, which helps maintain a feeling of fullness for a longer time , eggs are an ideal breakfast choice for dieters.Studies have shown that people who eat eggs in the morning consume fewer calories during the day, which promotes weight loss.In addition, the stable energy source that protein provides prevents blood sugar spikes helps prevent sudden hunger pangs and snacking.

Eggs benefit the cardiovascular system

Despite the old myths about the alleged increase in cholesterol, eating eggs can benefit our heart.They contain ingredients that help maintain a healthy level of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) and control triglyceride levels, which is reflected in healthy blood vessels. Vitamins A, E and group B vitamins contained in eggs support the proper function of the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

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