HomeUncategorizedTIP, how to wrap fried cheese so that it doesn't leak: I...

TIP, how to wrap fried cheese so that it doesn’t leak: I learned this in the cafeteria during socialism and I still practice it today – cheese is even tastier!

I would like to share a great trick when wrapping cheese so that it does not leak during frying.

To begin with I would like to note that I use a regular brick, no special cheeses , just a regular brick and this process.

I have proven it for years and I will be very happy if it helps you too.

It’s not a science, all you have to do is leave out the flour.

We need:

Brick cheese (the higher the fat content, the better).


an egg.

Salt to taste.

If you can’t imagine coating without flour, use semi-coarse and not smooth.


Well-chilled cheese (feel free to put it in the freezer for a few minutes).

Then we wrap it classically.

We wrap the egg, breadcrumbs, egg and breadcrumbs like this.

Dip in oil and fry as usual.it worked great for me.

I have it from the canteen since before 1989 and I still practice it today.:-).

More tricks

Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the water in which you cook the rice – the rice will remain white and loose..

A pinch of salt added before the end of cooking will give the drink a unique aroma and taste.

When we soak beans, we always soak them in mineral water – the beans will cook much earlier.

If you add a little milk to the sour cream , it won’t curdle in the sauce.

2 sugar cubes dissolved in a small amount of vinegar will replace white wine in the sauce..

If your tomato paste has risen and you want to protect it from mold, sprinkle some mustard powder on top..

Red beet do not boil in water, but bake in the skin in foil.

Beetroot is the healthiest with this treatment.

Put a few amaranth leaves in the jars with pickled cucumbers – the cucumbers will taste better and stay crunchy.

You can easily replace mayonnaise with sour cream in which you mix 1 hard-boiled egg yolk and a teaspoon of mustard.

We can prevent the fat from burning and smelling with the help of an ordinary carrot.Place in fat 3-4 rounds.

The meat is good before wrapping sprinkle with lemon juice.

The meat will soften, it will taste better, and the smell of frying will also be eliminated.

An excellent fighter against the odor when frying is also a trick when preparing the triple wrap.

add milk, a few drops of lemon and also beer to the egg.

The meat will have less cholesterol and thus you will not smell the typical smell when frying.

Soak the fillet in sparkling mineral water before frying.

The fish will be defrosted much faster (defrosting time is reduced by up to half) and will be even softer and tastier.I use it to prepare baked fillets and fried fillets.

I also add mineral water to the dough for coating steaks, to pancakes, and when I soak beans, I always dip them in mineral water – the beans will cook much earlier.

If you really want the best fried fillet, add ground nuts to the breadcrumbs for coating.

If you really want the best fried fillet, add ground nuts to the breadcrumbs for coating.

You won’t run out of cheese – the base is a cheese that has a higher fat content – minimum 30%. Place the cheese in the freezer for 10 minutes in the freezer before you start wrapping.After wrapping, it is recommended to put it in the fridge for a few more minutes.

When wrapping, be sure to follow this step: wrap the cheese twice – this way you are sure that it will not leak.

In order for the chicken to have a golden crust , baste it with dark beer during baking – it also gives it a great taste.

Do you want fluffy pancakes ? Add sparkling mineral or a little rum to the dough.

To get perfectly whipped snow , the egg whites must be well chilled.

In the case of egg yolks, the situation is the opposite – room temperature suits them.

Navnet mitt er Erik, og jeg elsker å utforske nye steder. Gjennom artiklene mine på dette nettstedet deler jeg mine opplevelser, tips og skjulte perler fra Choapa-regionen. Enten du er interessert i natur, kultur eller lokale tradisjoner, finner du inspirasjon her. Bli med meg på denne spennende reisen!


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