HomeTips for hjemmetThis McDonald's food isn't that bad and it won't make you fat...

This McDonald’s food isn’t that bad and it won’t make you fat either

Almost everyone knows the Golden Arches.McDonald’s has permanently expanded in Slovakia and attracts special offers, coupons and prices.It is by no means a self-evident truth that fast food is not healthy food and should be considered at most a recreational meal rather than a dietary staple.The popular chain’s menu was thoroughly reviewed by Michal Wrzosek, a well-known internet nutritionist and promoter of a healthy lifestyle..

You certainly know the feeling when your intestines play a loud march in your stomach and the fridge is empty, you have a craving for something less healthy or you need something quick to eat on the go.The golden arches then become an oasis in the desert of hunger.Everyone scares you that it is food made of plastic, greasy and unhealthy.However, sometimes there is simply no other option.Michal Wrzosek pointed out what you can eat at McDonald’s without breaking your diet and what is better to avoid.

Healthy choices at McDonald’s

Paracelsus said that nothing is poison and everything is poison, it depends on the dose.This is also the case with these less healthy foods, which should definitely not be the basis of your diet, but only an occasional diversion.However, this does not mean that you can only eat badly at McDonald’s.

As Michał Wrzosek admits, he knows the chain’s offer very well because he was once one of its fans.But now he has lost weight, expanded his knowledge and tries to avoid wide arches with the golden arch.

McDonald»s menu has a pretty good McWrap with chicken.It has a lot of vegetables, but also contains a lot of salt.However, you can replace the salty sauce with an extra portion of vegetables and everything will be different.

I would have such a salad maybe once a month if I was traveling or had no choice, for example at the airport,’ says Michał Wrzosek.

A good choice is a salad with chicken, to which it is worth adding a yogurt-dill dressing, which has fewer calories than the dressing.If you want to get more protein in your meal, have chicken legs or chicken pieces.

The chicken kaiserka from the breakfast assortment is also a good choice.It is low in saturated fat, high in protein and fiber.However, it is worth replacing the bun itself with a cereal version.

Better avoid this at McDonald’s

One of the more caloric sandwiches is the iconic Big Mac.It has 544 kcal, plus more than 200 kcal in the drink and 430 kcal in fries, which is quite a lot for one set.The sandwich itself consists mainly of processed red meat, so it is not a valuable product.It is better to reach for sugar-free coffee and replace the fries with apples, which are healthier, less caloric and will become a dessert.

If you are tempted by coffee Choco Latte Macchiato , think twice.The low-key drink has as many calories as ice cream with lion sprinkles.It’s a shame to waste them on something that won’t give you that satisfaction.The nutritionist also suggests that you order your fries without salt.

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