HomeHusThis is how you get rid of spiders in your home.They won't...

This is how you get rid of spiders in your home.They won’t be able to keep up with their legs.All you need is 5 tablespoons and a liter of water

22/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/umaruchan4678).

How to get rid of spiders in your home? Fortunately, you don’t have to spend money on expensive chemicals.You can effectively repel spider mites using home remedies.Products from the kitchen counter will suffice..

An old saying goes that ‘a happy home is where the spiders are’, but not everyone agrees.Many people are afraid of these animals, when they see them, they react in panic or simply loathe them.How to get rid of spiders effectively? Here is the best way.It is cheap and you will quickly breathe a sigh of relief with it.

What about spiders in the home? Just a few drops.Spray and they will move away quickly

Approximately 942 species of spiders are expected to occur in Slovakia.The most popular is the house spider, which is characterized by its hairy body. Smaller species grow to 1. 2 cm without legs, while larger species can reach up to 8 cm.Other spiders that visit our homes include the long thin-legged spider, the short-legged spider, the cellar slug, and the fat spider, which resembles a smaller black widow.

If you are wondering how to get rid of spiders in your home, try this method.It is enough if you reach for citric acid. Mix four to five tablespoons with a liter of water and stir, then spray where you see spiders – windows, windowsills and corners behind furniture.The smell of acid is very unpleasant for them and they will definitely move out of your apartment quickly..

What do spiders hate? Here are some effective ways to discourage them.Get rid of the problem quickly

Citric acid is not the only trick to get rid of annoying visitors.If you don’t have it at hand, try other home methods.

  • Cinnamon emits an intense and unpleasant smell for spiders.Sprinkle it in small containers and place it in places where they appear.
  • Mint will act as a deterrent and irritant.Add five drops of peppermint essential oil to a glass of water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spritz into nooks and crannies.
  • Chestnuts are a natural spider repellent.Place them all over the house and you will not only get a beautiful decoration, but also drive away pests.
  • Erik
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