Do you have garlic in your garden?
Homemade garlic is the best.
However, a lot depends on how you store it after harvesting. .
If you store garlic badly, the cloves lose their characteristic taste and smell and dry out..
This method makes garlic perfect for many months..
Garlic is considered one of the healthiest vegetables.
It is used in many dishes and sauces, so a supply of it at home. is always needed.
The one you grow yourself is the most valuable, but you have to make sure it’s stored properly..
Ready to harvest
The date of harvesting garlic depends on the variety of this vegetable..
The weather also has a big influence on it. .
This year the vegetation has accelerated and everything is happening faster..
Therefore, it is difficult to determine the exact date when garlic should be dug up. .
You just have to watch him. .
When half of the clove is dried and yellowed, the remaining flower shoots are straight, it means that the garlic will soon be ready to harvest..
But before you start harvesting garlic, you need to prepare it.
About two weeks before the planned bulb harvest stop watering the garlic..
The heads will then not be exposed to rot and better withstand long storage.
At the same time tie the cloves of garlic , thanks to this the plant will develop its underground parts better.
This will make heads bigger and stronger..
Traditional braid
When the garlic heads are large and compact , the garlic is ready to harvest.
After digging it spread out in a sunny place , in case of bad weather in a dry airy room..
The heads need to be cleaned of soil and hung up for further drying..
After about three weeks, the garlic should be well dried and ready for further storage. .
How to do it?
There’s still nothing better than the traditional, centuries-old way..
Just weave a clove of garlic into the braid. .
The stems must be interlaced with each other and add additional heads so that there is good air flow between them..
Garlic can also be tied into a bouquet. .
Regardless of the method, it is important to store garlic in a dry, shaded and cool place..
The secret trick of our grandfathers
This is the most convenient and practical way of all the ones listed.
You don’t need salt, oil or paraffin and you don’t even need to braid the garlic.
Take the dried garlic by the top ‘tail’, you don’t need to clean the head, because the skin is needed to keep the moisture in the garlic.
Take a gas burner and light the garlic in the wider part where it had roots..
It is necessary to burn this point so that the place where the roots are is blackened.
If there is no burner, use a candle or lighter.
The upper ‘tail’ is also better to burn.
Thanks to this, your garlic will definitely not sprout , even if it happens to be in a warm place.
Fresh garlic in winter is not only a great seasoning, but also a valuable medicine..
So don’t miss the opportunity to buy more and stock up for the winter!
Good luck!
Good luck!