HomeHusThey poison the lungs and the brain and we still buy them...

They poison the lungs and the brain and we still buy them in bulk because they are cheap

26/08/2024 (Photo: Pixabay/milivigerova).

Scented candles and tea candles are a popular way to create a cozy atmosphere at home.But did you know that they can be dangerous to your health? Learn about the risks of overusing them and what safe alternatives exist..

Who doesn’t love that moment when they light a candle and the room is filled with a warm glow and soothing scent? Unfortunately, this seemingly innocent pleasure can have serious consequences for our health. Experts sound the alarm: popular scented candles and tea candles may be a source of toxic compounds harmful to the lungs and brain..

A hidden threat in a beautiful package

Most candles available in the market are made from paraffin, which is derived from petroleum. When burning, dangerous substances such as benzene, toluene and formaldehyde are released..

These compounds can cause:.

  • Brain damage.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Concentration disorders.
  • Headaches.
  • Skin and eye irritation.
  • Even worse, even touching candles with bare hands can lead to allergies and infections, especially for people with sensitive skin.
  • Another problem is the soot produced by burning paraffin candles. These microscopic particles become airborne and can travel deep into the lungs, causing irritation and breathing problems. Long-term exposure to soot can lead to more serious respiratory diseases..

    Odors that may be harmful

    As much as we love the scents of candles, they can also cause other problems.This compound is on the World Health Organization’s list of carcinogens.

    Safe alternatives

    Fortunately, you don’t have to completely give up the cozy atmosphere created by candles. Healthier options are soy candles (biodegradable and toxin-free) and beeswax candles (natural and ionizing air).

    The disadvantages of these alternatives are however higher prices and less variety..

    How to minimize the risk?

    But if you don’t want to completely give up traditional candles, don’t forget a few rules:

  • Limit the burning time of candles.
  • Ventilate the rooms regularly.
  • Do not burn many candles at once.
  • Choose candles with cotton wicks, without a metal core.
  • Remember, your health is most important. Is it worth risking them for momentary pleasure? Maybe it’s the right time to look for safer ways to create a cozy atmosphere at home? Especially now that we have such a huge selection of different lights and decorations in supermarkets.

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