HomeUncategorizedThese plants bring misfortune and poverty, our ancestors said: It is better...

These plants bring misfortune and poverty, our ancestors said: It is better not to have them at home!

Flowers are associated with beauty and make our home cozy. We buy them to decorate the interior, enliven it and create a pleasant atmosphere..

However, it turns out that it can also cause us problems..

As the portal domekiogrodek reports, some plants bring bad luck and even… death..

At least that’s what they say superstitions. Do folk wisdom contain a grain of truth?

Which flowers should superstitious people avoid?

Hoya – beautiful and dangerous?

Hoja is a perennial plant, one of the most popular species intended for domestic pot cultivation.

Its ornament is fleshy, dark green leaves and star-shaped flowers gathered in impressive umbels.

Although everyone wants their houseplants to bloom profusely, this may not be the case with this plant.

Superstition says that growing this plant will get us in financial trouble..

The more money we lose, the more abundantly the flowering plant blooms..

Flowers appearing on its shoots mean impending failures. .

Is it true?

Probably not everyone would like to know about it.

However, the fact is that after it is cut, it releases toxins along with the juice. .

We should not consume it because we will have to pay dearly for it.

A plant as a harbinger of death

Another flower we should avoid if we are superstitious is heather.

Its beautiful purple color is associated with the beginning of autumn and the forest landscape, but according to popular belief, the nature of this lovely plant is much more sinister..

Heather is believed to bring illness and even death to household members..

These beliefs have their roots in the mythologies of ancient peoples..

Probably many grandmothers would react negatively to a gift in the form of a bouquet of these flowers. .

Many myths and mysteries have indeed sprung up around the heather over the years..

Some believed they were made into brooms used by witches, while others used these plants to summon spirits..

Does heather really bring bad luck?

Do you believe in superstitions?

Is it better to avoid these plants?

Superstitious people should avoid not only gorse and heather.

Some other plants are also considered unlucky..

These include ivy , which is considered the cause of marital quarrels, but also cacti , which are said to have a negative effect on our personality.

Even the extremely popular monstera..

Some people believe that it radiates negative energy and causes anxiety among household members..

are they just superstitions to be dismissed as fairy tales or do you think there is some truth to them?

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