HomeTips for hjemmetThe top chef revealed what to add to a fried egg to...

The top chef revealed what to add to a fried egg to make it like in a luxury hotel

Scrambled eggs are a popular breakfast not only in the Slovak Republic, but all over the world.Every chef has his own method of preparation, but Zdeněk Pohlreich, a famous Czech chef, has revealed a secret that is guaranteed to improve the taste of your scrambled eggs.Czechs often do not know what to add to scrambled eggs to make them perfect.Pohlreich revealed what is absolutely necessary to add..


One of the key ingredients Pohlreich recommends adding to scrambled eggs is butter.Butter gives the eggs a softness and creaminess that cannot be achieved with oil.Before adding the eggs, melt a little butter in the pan and add a little more towards the end of cooking.The eggs will then be perfectly soft!

2.Cream or milk

Pohlreich also recommends adding cream or milk to the eggs.This secret is the key to achieving fluffy and smooth scrambled eggs.Just add a small amount (about one tablespoon per two eggs) and mix well before cooking.Cream or milk will help create a light texture and enhance the flavor.


Spices and herbs can transform ordinary scrambled eggs into a gourmet experience.Pohlreich recommends adding a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper.Herbs like chives, parsley or basil can add another layer of flavor and aroma.Experiment with different combinations to find the one that works best for you.

4.Patience and proper technique

In addition to the right ingredients, the cooking technique is also key.Pohlreich emphasizes that eggs should be cooked over low heat, and you should also stir them constantly.This will prevent them from boiling over and ensure that they are soft and creamy.Cooking on low heat also allows for even distribution of heat.

In his advice, Zdeněk Pohlreich reveals that the key to perfect scrambled eggs is butter, cream or milk, the right spices and patience during cooking.This combination will ensure that your scrambled eggs are soft, fluffy and full of flavor.Try these tips and surprise your family or friends with how elegantly and deliciously you can prepare this simple but sophisticated breakfast.

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