Sedentary lifestyle, incorrect eating habits and age-related changes contribute to the fact that our body does not work as it should.
Fatigue, insomnia, weight gain – these manifestations are often directly related to insufficient liver function , which is responsible for removing toxins and acts as a purifier in our body.
However, when the liver cannot keep up , our body will feel it through the presence of negative signals.
There is nothing easier than to relieve and help our liver after the holidays.
We have a simple detox recipe from youtube for you, which, in addition to the liver, helps the whole body, especially the bones, and as a bonus it stimulates the metabolism and faster weight loss.
Drink for a clean liver, fast detox and weight loss support
This drink consists of only three ingredients – raisins, prunes and water.
You don’t need anything else to prepare.
Photo: ie
Few people know that dried plums contain more iron than plums that are fresh.
However, that is far from not all.
Dried plums are beneficial to the body, especially as a natural detox of the intestines and liver, and at the same time they are a source of vitamins which provide the body with nutrition and support.
Thanks to fiber, digestive activity increases.
This results in faster removal of excess fluids.
And thus the absorption of vitamins into the body will increase.
Through this process you naturally lose weight and your bowels normalize.
Flushing out toxins helps the liver and kidneys to restore their proper function.
Dried raisins
Raisins contain inulin, which has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system.
Thanks to this fiber, not only the intestines are cleaned, but also the stimulation of the kidneys and the performance of the liver is ensured.
Among the strongest trump cards of dried raisins is that they cleanse the body and maintain the health of our heart and blood vessels, prevent the deposition of fat in the body, improve metabolism and are a good helper for arthritis and rheumatism.
The iron content has its justification – it fights against anemia, it affects the process of new blood formation.
For the detox drink we need:
Photo: ie
150 grams of prunes and raisins.
3 cups of hot water.
Let the water boil in a pot and add pitted prunes and raisins.
Boil the decoction prepared in this way in the pot for another 15 minutes and then remove from the stove.
We then use this decoction every morning for a spoonful , on an empty stomach..
After a few days, you should already notice the first changes in digestion and subsequently also in weight loss.
For quick detoxification, you can also pour boiling water over a handful of raisins and leave them soaked in this water for 24 hours.
Drink the decoction prepared in this way every morning for approximately one month.
It doesn’t matter what your figure is or how old you are.
This recipe is suitable for any age group, just try it and you will see that you will feel better and healthier over time.
Video tutorial:.