Every flower grower whose passion is orchids dreams of a plant that will continually bloom profusely. .
With proper orchid care, this can be achieved in a relatively short time.
Just know a few important principles and you’re done!
Follow these tips from the YouTube channel HayataDairPüfNoktalar and your dream of richly blooming orchids will come true even in summer..
An important condition for the active growth and development of an orchid is maintaining optimal humidity – this is true in winter, but especially in hot summer.
To prevent rapid moisture loss, place the orchid pot in a larger, empty pot..
It’s important that the second pot is big enough , otherwise mold can start to form due to too much humidity and this can destroy the orchid.
Regular spraying of dormant buds will help ensure the growth of new shoots.
By taking care of your orchid every day, you will help your plant to grow and actively develop, for which it will thank you with beautiful flowering..
Learn more in the attached video.
Watering advice from Mrs. Radka
Ms. Ľubka has been working as a florist for more than thirty years, and her love for plants has accompanied her throughout her life.
Among her favorites are orchids and during the years of growing them, she knows how to take care of them so that they bloom like flashlights, they are healthy and beautiful..
He says the most important thing is watering them – irrigation, which most growers do not do correctly.If you follow this, you don’t need any fertilizers or chemical stimulants from the flower shop.
Ms. Ľubka has been watering like this for years and her orchids are the most beautiful far and wide!.
Never pot them
The best and at the same time the easiest way, you can’t go wrong with it.
It is enough if the orchid simply submerge the orchid with the pot in boiled water or rainwater that is at room temperature..
Leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then let it drain well and dry the water between the leaves and in the so-called heart (the diaphragm between the leaves and the stem) with a paper towel – otherwise the water could start to rot and mold.
That’s it, with this procedure you never have to worry about your orchid drying out, the leaves turning yellow, or overwatering it..
If you have an orchid that you have forgotten to water for a long time and you think that it cannot be helped, try this life booster from Evka from Ilava
I dissolved 1 teaspoon of sugar in a liter of water.
And I immersed the orchid in this bath and let it soak for about 8-9 hours (it is said that it can be left for a whole day).
Then I soaked her in settled water for another hour.
That’s all, when I took it out of the water, I put it in its usual position and I immediately noticed that the leaves are fuller and the flowers have lifted.
The next day she looked like she did before going on vacation.
I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t tried it myself, but it really helped.
Don’t hesitate to add a teaspoon of sugar here and there to the water at other times, especially before and during flowering..
This is a perfect life booster!.
This is what my orchid looks like today, it even put on new flowers!
Additional principles of proper irrigation.
we always water in the morning, ideally in the morning.
we irrigate once a week during the winter, twice a week during the very dry summer.
Do not go by whether the substrate is damp to the touch, that is not a good guide.
After watering, pour the water from the bowl under the pot, after watering the roots can no longer be in the water.
Good luck!