HomeTips for hjemmetThe man showed a trick on how to open a shopping cart...

The man showed a trick on how to open a shopping cart without a coin or token

At a time when most of us use cards, mobile apps or smart watches to pay in stores, we still encounter the old familiar problem – opening shopping carts.Even today, access to them often requires a coin or a special token.And if you don’t happen to have them on hand, a simple visit to the store can turn into an unexpected challenge..

A seemingly intractable problem

It happens that a person comes to a store only to find out that he does not have the necessary coin or token with him.In that case, he has limited options.If he has cash with him, he can try to change somewhere, which may not be easy in today’s cashless era.For many, this means returning home to look for loose change.

A simple key trick

Recently, an interesting trick to bypass this problem appeared on the Internet.The author Ladislav Zibura shared a tip on his social profile that got a lot of attention: ‘You can unlock the shopping cart with an ordinary key.’ This simple procedure caught the attention of many people who started to try if it really works.

The discussants enthusiastically shared their experiences.Many confirmed that they can not only open the cart with the key, but also remove the key afterwards without any problems.Some even recommend using a car key, which can always be at hand.

How will stores react to this?

Although this trick has proven to be functional and practical, the question remains how the retail chains will react to it.Unlocked carts without a backup can cause problems – many are left in the wrong places, creating chaos and potentially increasing maintenance costs.

Nevertheless, this simple trick can solve an annoying problem for many shoppers and make their everyday shopping easier.One can only hope that stores will adapt to this new reality and perhaps find a way to make life easier for their customers even without the need for small coins.

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