HomeTips for hjemmetThe Japanese way of drinking water.It supports the liver and intestines, helps...

The Japanese way of drinking water.It supports the liver and intestines, helps to lose weight

Water is absolutely essential for every cell in our body to function as it should.We can only survive a few days without it, which proves how important it is to drink it regularly.The Japanese water diet is one way to remember to drink water and stay hydrated every day.Find out what its main principles are..

Japanese Water Diet – what is it

The Japanese Water Diet is more of a method of mindful water drinking than a typical diet.Although proponents of this practice attribute numerous health benefits to it, there is no scientific evidence to confirm its effects on the body.Nevertheless, proper hydration is essential to maintaining health and well-being..

An important part of the Japanese water diet is to drink room temperature or slightly warm water immediately after waking up to cleanse the digestive system and improve intestinal health.The Japanese believe that cold water can negatively affect health.

No one needs to be reminded that proper hydration is key to health, ensuring proper brain function, maintaining stable energy levels, and regulating body temperature and blood pressure.Additionally, drinking enough water can help prevent constipation, headaches, and kidney stones.

Will the Japanese water diet help with weight loss?

Water can be helpful in controlling appetite and promoting weight loss. Drinking water before a meal fills the stomach, which helps you feel full more quickly.As a result, we are less inclined to eat larger portions, leading to calorie restriction.Even replacing sugary drinks with water automatically reduces the number of calories you take in.

Why is water so important?

Our body consists of approximately 60-70% water.We lose water when we breathe, sweat and urinate, and its amount in the body decreases with age.Most water is found in cerebrospinal fluid, blood, bone marrow and brain.

Since our body does not have the capacity to store a lot of water, we have to supply it regularly. Why? Because it is essential for the proper functioning of every cell in our body.Without it, our body can only survive for a few days, which emphasizes the importance of regular hydration.


  • helps maintain a constant body temperature and the proper functioning of vital processes, participates in biochemical reactions, moisturizes the mucous membranes and eyes.
  • ensures joint mobility.
  • it is essential for digestion, absorption of nutrients, excretion of toxins and regulation of water-electrolyte and acid-base balance.
  • Principles of the Japanese water diet

    The Japanese water diet consists of daily steps:.

  • After waking up, drink on an empty stomach 2 – 3 glasses of water at room temperature and wait 45 minutes before eating breakfast.
  • Refrain from eating snacks and drinks for at least 2 hours after eating.
  • It is recommended to drink water at room temperature or slightly warm.
  • Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before bed.
  • How much water to drink a day?

    It is suggested that you should drink approximately 30-35 ml of fluids for every kilogram of body weight. However, the actual need for water depends on several factors.A healthy adult should drink 1. 5 to 2 liters of water per day, depending on gender, ambient temperature and level of physical activity.During intense physical exertion and in hot weather, the need can increase up to 4 – 5 liters per day.

    According to the nutritional standards for the Polish population, a sufficient intake of water obtained from drinks and food is:

  • 1. 25-2. 5 l in children and adolescents, depending on age and gender.
  • 2-2. 5 l in a healthy adult.
  • Japanese Water Diet – benefits

    Detoxification of the body: advocates of the water diet claim that drinking a lot of water helps to remove toxins from the body.

    Maintaining fitness: proper hydration is essential to maintaining health and well-being.

    Weight loss: water can help control appetite, which can lead to reduced calorie intake and promote weight loss.

    Improving the condition of the skin: regular hydration can have a positive effect on the appearance of the skin.

    Japanese Water Diet – contraindications

    People with kidney disease and those on dialysis should be careful with excessive water intake, as this can strain kidney function.A water diet is also not recommended if you have severe cardiovascular disease, diseases related to edema and ascites.

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