HomeTips for hjemmetThe best trick to learn something.All you need is a pen and...

The best trick to learn something.All you need is a pen and try this

Having trouble concentrating? Do you forget what you heard a moment ago? Maybe it’s time to think about how to strengthen your memory.Australian productivity expert, Sarah Rav, comes up with a new approach that can help with long-term memory.Her method focuses on using evening learning, which can greatly improve your ability to remember important information..

Ravova claims that memory training is the key to maintaining mental well-being and performance.Although the brain is different from a muscle, it similarly needs regular training.

Her method consists in writing down information on paper, repeating it in your head, reading it out loud, and then playing it from memory.Repeat this cycle several times, ideally in the evening before going to bed and again in the morning after waking up.

The method that Ravová shares through the popular platform TikTok has already reached millions of people.According to the reactions, her technique helps people learn faster and more efficiently.

Each of us has a preferred way of learning that we have developed throughout our lives – visual, auditory or kinesthetic.

Ravová combines visual and auditory approaches.If you prefer a kinesthetic style, he recommends adding physical movement to your learning – walking around the room, gesturing, and thus activating multiple parts of the brain.

Memorizing information doesn’t have to be difficult if you know what learning style suits you best.This simple technique can produce surprisingly positive results if you give it a chance.

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