HomeTips for hjemmetStart drinking water with lemon and baking soda.You will feel such changes

Start drinking water with lemon and baking soda.You will feel such changes

Lemon and baking soda water has become a popular drink among the health conscious.Many people believe that this simple drink has many health benefits, from improving digestion to detoxifying the body.But do these opinions have a scientific basis?.

Health fad or myth?

In the world of a healthy lifestyle, new trends appear every moment that promise us better health, great well-being and a slimmer figure.One such trend is drinking water with lemon and baking soda.This simple drink seems to work wonders, but is it really worth introducing it into your daily routine? Let’s find out what the experts have to say.

Lemon and baking soda: the perfect duo?

Lemon has long been valued for its health benefits. It is a fruit full of vitamin C, which supports our immune system, has an antioxidant effect and can improve digestion.But what about baking soda? This inconspicuous white powder is sodium bicarbonate, which acts as a release agent in the kitchen and is known medically as a stomach acid neutralizer.

Supporters of the combination of lemon and baking soda therefore claim that such a mixture can deacidify the body, support digestion and even help in the fight against excess weight.But do these promises have a scientific basis?

Myths about deacidification

One of the most frequently repeated arguments in favor of drinking water with lemon and baking soda is its alleged deacidifying effect.However, it should be remembered that our body is perfectly capable of maintaining the acid-base balance on its own.Human blood has a constant pH that is tightly regulated by various mechanisms in the body, and diet has minimal effect on this.

Plus, consuming baking soda in excess can lead to electrolyte imbalances and stomach problems, which is definitely not good for health.Therefore, it is worth approaching this trend with some distance.

Digestive benefits: fact or fiction?

One of the potential benefits of drinking lemon water is the stimulation of stomach acid production, which can aid digestion.Due to its alkaline properties, baking soda can temporarily neutralize excess acid in the stomach, which is sometimes helpful in cases of heartburn.Sounds tempting, right?

Unfortunately, drinking such a mixture regularly, especially on an empty stomach, can lead to irritation and other digestive problems.Therefore, if you want to reach for this solution, you should do it in moderation.

Drinking soda water. Watch your teeth!

Lemon water, while refreshing, can also have a dark side. Citric acid can damage tooth enamel, especially if we consume this drink regularly.Adding baking soda doesn’t necessarily suppress this effect, and if the baking soda doesn’t dissolve well, it can even enhance it.

Water with lemon and vinegar: to drink or not to drink?

Lemon and baking soda water is another trend that has some benefits, but is not without risk.Although this drink may provide short-term relief from heartburn, regular consumption is not recommended.

It should be remembered that our body works best on a balanced diet rich in natural ingredients.Instead of looking for miracle solutions, it is better to bet on a healthy diet and regular physical activity , which are the best recipe for well-being and health.

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