HomeTips for hjemmetSlovaks can envy the policemen.The state is going to give them this...

Slovaks can envy the policemen.The state is going to give them this for free

The Ministry of the Interior is preparing an innovation that could please members of the Police Force – the possibility of free train travel..

According to the statements of Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok (Hlas-SD), negotiations are underway with the Slovak Railway Company (ZSSK) and an agreement is already within reach.This intention was presented by the minister during the press conference held on Friday.

‘In addition to financial savings for police officers who often commute to work by train, this project will also contribute to increasing safety on the trains themselves.Recent events, such as the incident in Prešov where passengers were threatened with a knife, have shown that the presence of police officers could significantly improve the security situation,’ said Šutaj Eštok.

However, not everyone perceives this step positively.The former Minister of the Interior Roman Mikulec (Movement Slovakia) in response on social networks called this proposal a superficial solution to problems in the police force.According to him, the departure of police officers is mainly due to insufficient fulfillment of promises by the minister regarding salary and social conditions.

At the same time, Mikulec reminded that police officers already have a duty to intervene in the event of a threat to the life, health or property of citizens, and he also criticized the situation in the Fire and Rescue Service and among mountain rescuers, who, according to him, are also dissatisfied.

Currently, students and seniors, for example, have 100 percent discounts on traveling on ZSSK trains, and this advantage could soon be extended to police officers as well.

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