HomeTips for hjemmetShould seniors drink milk? Surprising recommendations from experts

Should seniors drink milk? Surprising recommendations from experts

Milk is poison for the body – how many times have we heard this statement? It turns out that experts recommend seniors to drink up to three glasses of milk a day.Why should seniors drink milk? And what amount is suitable for them?.

Experts have no doubts

Should seniors drink milk? Prof.dr hab.n.biol.Jadwiga Charzewska has no doubt about it.Through the National Center for Nutrition Education, the professor encourages seniors to consume milk and milkshakes.

The expert points out that according to research, the diet of seniors often lacks proteins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, group B vitamins and vitamin D, which are contained in milk.That is why it is recommended for older people.

How much milk should seniors drink daily?

How much milk should seniors drink a day? Experts recommend three glasses of milk a day as an adequate intake.However, as Jadwiga Charzewska points out: there is a decrease in milk consumption among seniors.One of the reasons may be a lack of awareness of how important it is for the health of older people.

Another reason may be the claim of seniors that ‘milk is bad for me’. For those who suffer from bloating after drinking milk, the expert has good news – yogurts, buttermilk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products also contain nutrients that seniors most often lack.

Can’t you drink milk? Use yogurt

For those for whom drinking a glass of milk is associated with unpleasant consequences, are fermented milk products – experts call probiotics – an excellent alternative.Kefir, yogurt or cheese contain microorganisms that are created during the fermentation process and remain alive even after consumption.They populate the digestive tract and create beneficial intestinal microflora. By consuming yogurt, kefir, etc.seniors not only get the ingredients they lack in their diet, but also improve their intestinal flora.

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