Lemon is an indispensable ingredient in summer lemonades, a delicious addition to warm tea and a refreshing ingredient in many desserts.It has many uses in cooking, but it is also useful when we want to keep the kitchen perfectly clean.Just grab the fruit to make cleaning easier..
Although there is no shortage of cleaning products in stores and bottles overflow with colorful bottles for cleaning everything possible, we can also find many natural products in our homes.Vinegar is known to be great for removing stains and baking soda helps clean the stove.When it comes time to clean the oven, it pays to reach into the fruit basket.Not only to get a healthy snack out of it, but also to make this task easier.
How to clean the oven – simple patent
Forget scrubbing and scratching.There is a way to clean your oven naturally.All you need is a few lemons, water and a little patience to get your oven sparkling clean again. Steam and citric acids can handle even the driest grease.
How to clean the oven with a lemon?.
- Prepare the oven, water, a few lemons and a cloth.
- Squeeze the juice from the lemons into a bowl of water.Add the crust.
- Place the bowl in the oven and preheat it to 150 degrees Celsius for about an hour.
- Turn off the oven and let it cool for 10 minutes.
- Thoroughly wipe the inside of the oven with a cloth soaked in lemon solution.
- Wipe the oven dry with a clean cloth.
This is a simple, ecological and economical way of cleaning the oven.In addition, lemons add a light and pleasant aroma to the oven without any additional chemicals.
Natural ways really work.
Lemon also works well when you want to get rid of an unpleasant smell.It has antibacterial and refreshing properties. Simply squeeze the juice of a few lemons and wipe the inside of the oven with it.If you want to increase the effect of lemon, you can add some baking soda to it.
Look for other means as well.A solution of water and vinegar is excellent for removing grease and neutralizing unpleasant odors.A paste of baking soda and water acts as a wire cleaner and absorbs odors, and it also copes well with stubborn dirt.