HomeTips for hjemmetPsychological tricks in Lidl that make you spend more money there

Psychological tricks in Lidl that make you spend more money there

Stores like Lidl use various strategies that subtly influence our shopping behavior.They focus on the details that motivate us to spend more than we originally planned.Many of these tricks are subtle but very effective..

Large shopping carts
One of the first psychological moves that we encounter when entering a store are large shopping carts.When you start putting products in it, the empty space subconsciously encourages you to add more items.Until the cart is full enough, you feel that you have bought little.

Wide Lanes
The space between the shelves is wide enough for you to move comfortably with a large trolley without having to squeeze.This comfortable experience allows you to spend more time looking at the goods, which increases the chance that you will buy something that you did not originally plan to buy.

The smell of fresh baked goods
The smell of freshly baked bread is one of the strongest sensory experiences that motivates us to buy.The pleasant aroma, reminiscent of home and comfort, often leads to the fact that you put other products in the basket that you would otherwise bypass.

Strategic placement of goods
More expensive products are often located directly at eye level.In this way, the store gently encourages you to choose these products because they are the most affordable for you.Cheaper alternatives are often placed lower down, where you’ll only notice them if you willingly bend over.

Private Labels
Stores often offer their own brands, which are cheaper than well-known products.However, these products often contain smaller quantities, which allows the price to be reduced.However, many customers do not notice the weight, which increases the sales of these brands.

Background Music
In Lidl, there is pleasant, slow music that has a purpose while shopping.This relaxing atmosphere slows down your movement in the store, increasing the time spent between the shelves.Longer walks around the store increase the chance of putting more items in the cart.

Thanks to these subtle but effective tricks, shopping at Lidl is convenient, but also thoughtfully designed so that we spend more than we originally planned.If you are aware of these tactics, you can be more alert when making purchases and not be influenced by them.

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