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Our grandparents collected them in the forest and ate them.We forgot that they treat the heart and gall bladder!

Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) is a low, evergreen shrub belonging to the heather family.

Treasure from the forest

It is mainly found in the colder regions of northern Europe, Asia and North America , where it grows in spruce and pine forests, heaths and wet bogs.

This shrub reaches a height of 10 to 40 centimeters and its leaves are leathery, dark green, and glossy.

Fruits are loaded with valuable substances and you will learn more about them thanks to the pyszności portal in this article.

Cranberry flowers are small, white to pink, arranged in racemes and bloom from May to June.

Although in the past the cranberry was an extremely prized gift of the forest, today it is less popular than blueberries..

Nevertheless, cranberries are common rich in valuable health-promoting properties and rightfully deserve the superfood label.

Properties and occurrence of cranberry

Common cranberry occurs naturally in spruce and pine forests, on heaths and wet bogs.

In folk medicine and cosmetics cranberry has been used for a long time..

Health benefits of cranberries

Cranberry fruits and leaves are used for medicinal purposes.

Both parts of the plant are known for their beneficial effects in the treatment of urinary tract infections such as bladder or kidney infections..

They also help in the treatment of urolithiasis..

Cranberry leaves also have anti-diarrheal properties because the tannins they contain support healthy stomach and intestinal bacterial flora and relieve symptoms of food poisoning.

The leaves also contain tannic acid , which reduces the number of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which is the microorganism responsible for most cases of stomach and duodenal ulcers and can lead to stomach cancer.

Cranberry is rich in polyphenols, which beneficially affect the digestion of fats , which makes it a valuable component of the diet for the prevention of obesity.

Nutritional values ​​and use

Cranberries are also edible raw , but because of their sour-bitter taste, they are often processed.

They contain benzoic acid, which naturally preserves food..

Red bilberries are excellent for making preserves, juices, pickles, decoctions, tinctures and meat sauces..

Red blueberries have a high content of fiber and polyphenols, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and helps prevent heart attack or stroke..

They are also a source of antioxidants that protect the body from free radical damage, boost immunity and may improve brain function , thereby reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Cranberry is a valuable gift of nature with many health-promoting properties.

Its regular consumption can contribute to better health of the urinary tract, stomach and cardiovascular system..

Try cranberries in different forms and use their potential for your health..

Good luck!

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