HomeHusNine tricks to help you sleep in hot weather.You will sleep like...

Nine tricks to help you sleep in hot weather.You will sleep like a baby

15. 8. 2024 (Photo: shutterstock/fizkes).

The summer heat does not affect us only during the day.Nights can also be a problem when we turn from side to side in high temperatures, can’t sleep or wake up regularly.Although it is difficult to get a good night’s sleep in such conditions, there are several ways to make it easier..

Quality, restorative sleep is extremely important for the functioning and well-being of the body. One sleepless night is all it takes to suffer the consequences in the morning. These include functional problems, impaired concentration, fatigue and poorer well-being. In the long run, frequent lack of sleep can cost you health..

What can you do to sleep better in hot weather?

The best sleeping temperature is considered to be 18 to 20 degrees Celsius, in summer it can sometimes be much higher.The problem is that the body reduces its own heat while secreting melatonin, the sleep hormone. When it’s hot around him and he can’t cool down, he doesn’t secrete enough melatonin, which makes it difficult to fall asleep and worsens the quality of a night’s rest. To save yourself trouble in these conditions, there are a few rules to remember.

Draw the blinds.

Do not forget to do this during the day so that you can rest well in the evening.When the sun is blazing, don’t open the windows because the temperature in the room rises from the hot air flowing in. It is better to close the blinds, blinds or curtains to prevent too much sunlight from entering.This will lower the temperature in the apartment and make it easier for you to sleep..

Create a temporary draft.

When the heat subsides outside the window, make a draft and ventilate the bedroom, to change the air and further cool the interior.

Turning on the fan.

On hot nights in a room without air conditioning, a fan running at some distance from the bed can be a good solution. Turning it on will cool the air and allow you to sleep more comfortably.To speed up the cooling process, place a container of ice in front of the fan.

How to make it easier to fall asleep

Move closer to the floor.

Instead of lying on the bed like you always do, move the mattress to the floor. It will make a big difference because the heated air rises up and the cooler air stays down, so you sleep better near the floor.

Sleep alone.

Although sleeping with a partner has many benefits, it may not always be pleasant during hot nights. The more people in one bed, the warmer it is, and that doesn’t make sleeping any easier in the summer. The best option would be to sleep on two separate mattresses on the floor.

Keep your body cool.

Take a nice cool shower before bed or apply a cold compress to your wrists, groin or neck. Cooler blood will flow through the cooled veins and cool the whole body, making you feel better and sleep easier.

What not to do in the evening and what to reach for in the heat

Reach for cotton bed linen.

During hot nights, it is best to choose breathable and sweat-absorbing fabrics such as cotton or silk. Fluid, slippery pajamas and bedding seem light and cool, but they don’t allow air to pass through, making your body sweat more and sleep less comfortably. Sleep naked if you want to and can.If you prefer to sleep in pajamas, make sure they are airy and loose.

Don’t drink a lot of fluids in the evening.

Although it is extremely important to hydrate the body during the heat, it is better not to overdo it with a lot of fluids before going to bed. rest.

Avoid oily and salty foods for dinner.

Salty foods dehydrate the body and can contribute to unpleasant swelling.On the other hand, digesting animal proteins and fats, for example in fried meat, requires more energy and raises the body temperature. It is best to reach for easily digestible items before going to bed, which will not burden the digestive system unnecessarily..

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