HomeHusNatural repellents for flies entering the house.You have them in your kitchen...

Natural repellents for flies entering the house.You have them in your kitchen supplies

09/04/2024 (Photo: freepik.com/wirestock).

The dried remains of food on the plates, the bread that lost its freshness a few days ago and the lone apple core that did not go to the trash.Dirt lying around the kitchen not only gives the impression of a constant mess, but also like a magnet attracts flies circling the apartment.Once they settle in the corners of the apartment, we may not get rid of them even in the next two months.How to effectively discourage insects from exploring rooms and protect yourself from the diseases they spread? We’ll give you a tip..

Why do we have a lot of flies in the house?

At first, we accidentally encounter a stray fly that, despite the open window, cannot fly out of the apartment.Over time, these meetings become more and more frequent and more and more unwanted guests arrive.

What is behind the invasion of flies and why do they so eagerly enter the rooms? The answer is worth looking for above all in leftover food, rotting fruit, a sticky floor or the smell emanating from the trash can. If we neglect housework, we must expect that hungry insects like to stay longer with us..

An encounter with an insect often ends with a wave of the hand and a return to the interrupted activity. Experts advise not to let flies settle in the kitchen, living room or other room.It turns out that theoretically insects that are harmless to humans can carry harmful and health-threatening diseases and bacteria. As they roam over furniture, countertops, and even dirty plates left in the sink, they leave behind the remains of the dirt they brought from outside.If left alone, pathogens will spread at breakneck speed.

What should I spray on my doors and windows to protect myself from flies?

Flies especially like dirty places and uncleaned corners of the house.Sticky and not completely clean floors are a real paradise for them.However, while they are attracted by the smell of sewage, they have to somehow get into the apartment. Most often they arrive through an open window or when leaving through the front door.Already at this stage we can effectively discourage them from visiting our doors.One of the most effective solutions will be to use scents that flies hate.

The easiest solution is to go to the store and buy some essential oils.What to look for on the shelves? Eucalyptus, peppermint or lavender oil is best used to repel flies. .

Importantly, flies also dislike vanilla and cinnamon. All you need to make an insecticide is a little powdered spice or a few drops of essence. The whole trick is to pour one tablespoon of ground cinnamon into a glass of water and then mix it with vanilla by essence.Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray liberally around windows and doors. Let’s focus primarily on door frames and window frames.We can also increase the strength of the scent by placing cotton swabs soaked in the product on the windowsill.

Odor trap for fruit flies

Special tapes, lamps, and other methods of storage generally deal with flies. The situation is a little different with fruit flies, which multiply by the day.If we want to effectively reduce their number in our house or apartment, let’s try the proven method with vinegar and dishwashing liquid. In addition to these two ingredients, it is worth finding a glass jar, transparent food film, a rubber band and a toothpick in the apartment..

Start by filling half the container with vinegar, then add a few drops of dish soap.Cover the top with foil, secure with a rubber band and make a few holes.Now all you have to do is put the preparation on the place where flies are most often seen and wait for the effect.The very next day we notice that the smell of the mixture has attracted flies that have flown in but cannot get out.

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