28/08/2024 (Photo: shutterstock/Sozina Kseniia).
The popularity of monstera has increased in recent years.We are glad that we chose it as an interior decoration.Sometimes it happens that the plant «cries“.What to do in such a situation? When you see drops on the leaves, avoid one treatment.After that, everything should be back to normal..
Monstera comes from Mexico and grows in tropical forests.In the wild, it occurs as an epiphyte.Monstera splendifera creates a considerable amount of aerial roots that reach down to the ground.It is also considered a valuable utility plant.The reason for this is the edible fruit, which resembles a combination of banana and pineapple, as well as the roots, which the locals use to make baskets.
In our country, monstera is primarily an ornamental plant, which is a popular choice for various rooms.The most popular is Monstera deliciosa with its characteristic large green leaves.Its other ornamental varieties, for example monstera «Monkey Mask» and monstera «Adansona» , are also increasingly valued.
Monstera in the household.Here is the information you need to know
Monstera is not very demanding to care for. Prefers a temperature of 20 °C , but can adapt to slightly lower or higher temperatures. But it doesn’t like too much sun , so the ideal location for the plant is away from a window where the light is diffused.The substrate should be permeable, e.g.soil in a pot with the addition of peat.
Monstera does not require much maintenance, but the basis is its transplanting into a new substrate.If our plant is young, it is best to transplant it once a year in the spring.When it reaches a larger size, it is enough to do it once every two to three years.
Monstera should be fertilized every two weeks from March to August.Fertilize the plant that stands in the shade once every three weeks – does not have a great need for nutrients.
If you are interested in natural fertilization, banana peels are best used for this purpose.Simply cut them into small pieces, put them in a container and cover them with warm water.Leave the twisted container in a dark place for two days.Then dilute it with water and pour over the monster.Such a decoction will nourish it, strengthen the roots and provide a protective barrier against pests.
Monstera «cries»? Avoid this treatment if you see drops on the leaves
Monstera splendifera does not need too much water, so it is enough to water it once a week in summer and every 10 to 14 days in winter.It should be watered only when you see that the top layer of the substrate is dry.
Sometimes we see drops on monstera leaves.Then it is colloquially said that the monstera «cries“.It’s actually guttation, which is the release of excess moisture by the plant.In this process, water is forced out through the hydathodes (special pores on the edges of the leaves).Moisture rises to the surface, which looks like a «cry of a monster“.It is actually xylem sap or water with minerals.
Why is the monstera «crying»? There can be several reasons, but the key one is excess moisture in the substrate.Also on the list are temperature fluctuations, stress from changing environmental conditions or excessive fertilization.
Although emptying is natural, it is worth considering whether it is being over-irrigated.It’s an important warning sign because if you overwater the monstera, its leaves will start to turn yellow and its roots will start to rot.
What to do when the monstera «cries»? It is best not to water the plant for several days – this will bring everything back to normal.If white spots start to appear on the leaves, the cause may be too much fertilizer.