No one wants to have a mole in the garden.He’s cute in the fairy tale, but we definitely don’t want piles of him on our property.How to get a mole to move out of your garden?.
A golden hoe?
My grandfathers used to have a mole hoe.It is quite a time-consuming method and somewhat drastic.Let’s look at what repels moles.
If you regularly let your dog or cat into the garden, it is quite likely that you will take care of the mole without any work.
Moles have a very sensitive sense of smell and some plants do not smell good to them.Try planting them in your garden and see if you celebrate success.What plants are these? Flower of black elder, African elder, comony, cranberry, or rapeseed.He says he doesn’t like daffodils and vegetables like onions and garlic.
Fertilize the lawn with a fertilizer specially designed to combat moles.And bones regularly.Moles don’t like shorter grass and the vibrations and noises made by the mower are unpleasant.They’d rather clear the field.
You can buy liquid or powder repellants at the store that you pour or sprinkle into the mole hole.The smell will spread through the burrows and drive away the mole.But it won’t kill a mole.The humane way.
A special cocktail
And if you want to try grandma’s advice, mix whey and buttermilk and pour the mixture into the mole.Fragrant cocktail will not allow the mole to stay.He packs his bags and leaves to make piles elsewhere.